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Geekhack Moderator Application!
Why would you want to join the darkside bunny? :-[
--- Quote from: rowdy on Sat, 03 May 2014, 01:15:07 ---Just out of curiosity, what are the daily reports?
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You know all the times I hit the 'report to moderator' link. :eek:
--- Quote from: BunnyLake on Sat, 03 May 2014, 05:27:27 ---
--- Quote from: Belfong on Sat, 03 May 2014, 05:25:44 ---
--- Quote from: BunnyLake on Sat, 03 May 2014, 05:21:48 ---guys you can just come right out and ask me to do it
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My vote goes to Bunny...
And Bro Caps too, since he already implied he met the criterias :)
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and Bunny 4 Mod
user 18:
I've been an effective moderator before, albeit not in a forum environment. I'd apply, but I think it would be laughable for someone with my post count (and newness to the forum in general) to end up a mod :P
E: Yes, Bunny for mod
--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Fri, 02 May 2014, 21:19:18 ---
* Excellent people skills and an effective communicator
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