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Brussel sprouts = poison

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weren't they literally gross to eat before the 80s though


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sat, 27 May 2023, 06:23:08 ---
--- Quote from: chyros on Sat, 27 May 2023, 03:44:26 ---
--- Quote from: Belfong on Fri, 26 May 2023, 22:15:02 ---Do what Asians do - stir fry them with garlic. The garlic will hide the taste. That is, provided, you like garlic.

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This is what I don't get though. If people feel they need to do something to hide the taste, why not just make something that's actually tasty? :p

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Vs how we hide nearly 100% of any meat flavor with plant-seasonings.

Japan did not each much pork/beef before americanization, the old people there remember how they thought it was stinky and completely inedible without alot of soy sauce.

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Beef barely needs seasoning, I'm perfectly happy with just a steak. Pork? I've had bacon dinners before, same as gammon ones. Don't see the need for this "plant" business 8) .


--- Quote from: chyros on Sun, 28 May 2023, 02:54:36 ---Beef barely needs seasoning, I'm perfectly happy with just a steak. Pork? I've had bacon dinners before, same as gammon ones. Don't see the need for this "plant" business 8) .

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Without the chemistry in charing the protein, Maillard's,  the beef would be nearly tasteless other than a sour corpse smell and a little saltiness.

We've modified its nature to a great extent to make it palatable and non-biologically risky.

Humans stomach PH can not adequately detoxify meat, that's why we have to cook it when every other REAL carnivore eats meat raw.  Our gut is also too long, the meat undergoes putrifaction in our system, a leading contributor to bowel cancers.

Eating lots of meat, especially dairy (liquid meat), also raises testosterone to a lvl that kills hair follicles.

Dermatological history of Japan, Pre-WW2, very few men went bald as they aged, but Post Americanization diet, they noticed that baldness became an epidemic and has become the norm.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Sun, 28 May 2023, 07:54:48 ---
--- Quote from: chyros on Sun, 28 May 2023, 02:54:36 ---Beef barely needs seasoning, I'm perfectly happy with just a steak. Pork? I've had bacon dinners before, same as gammon ones. Don't see the need for this "plant" business 8) .

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Without the chemistry in charing the protein, Maillard's,  the beef would be nearly tasteless other than a sour corpse smell and a little saltiness.

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Oh come on, you know you're treading water now :p . If that's really your best argument for why meat supposedly needs plants to be tasty....


--- Quote from: chyros on Sun, 28 May 2023, 10:15:06 ---Oh come on, you know you're treading water now :p . If that's really your best argument for why meat supposedly needs plants to be tasty....

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Not at all, it's the totality of evidence that humans are herbivores, more precisely "starchivores"


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