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In remembrance: Smallfry aka Nathan W.

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--- Quote from: sth on Wed, 15 June 2016, 02:55:55 ---almost three years. still feels like we were just talking on irc the other day.

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Can't be that long - only seems like last week we heard the news :(

Hey all,

I don't know how much this thread is checked anymore, but my name is Emily, and I am Small Fry's younger sister. Just to give a bit of an update on my life, I am now 18, and have been working as a camp counselor at a summer camp where Nathan and I went to camp. I just wanted to ask if any of you would possibly have a note that my brother may have hand written to you. I am searching for handwriting for a tattoo that I would like to get. I want to have Semper Vic written on my thigh in my brother's handwriting. Semper Vic is the high school wrestling team's motto, meaning always victorious. It doesn't always mean that you will win every match, because my brother didn't, but rather that you will act like a champion in your everyday life with how you treat others, yourself, and the world around you. I believe my brother greatly embodied what the team meant it to stand for. To explain further, the old wrestling singlets have Semper Vic written on the thigh, which is the reason for the location. I would greatly appreciate if you could get back to me.

Thanks much,
Baby Fry

@Baby_Fry, I'll keep looking, but here is something I found here:

Edit: ...and this is my 12,000th post. RIP SmallFry; we still remember.

The only handwritten note I ever received from Nathan would have been included with the headphones he traded me, and unfortunately I don't think I kept it.


Thank you so much, that is very helpful. I greatly appreciate it.

All the Best,


--- Quote from: Baby_Fry on Sat, 30 July 2016, 22:08:04 ---Hey all,

I don't know how much this thread is checked anymore, but my name is Emily, and I am Small Fry's younger sister. Just to give a bit of an update on my life, I am now 18, and have been working as a camp counselor at a summer camp where Nathan and I went to camp. I just wanted to ask if any of you would possibly have a note that my brother may have hand written to you. I am searching for handwriting for a tattoo that I would like to get. I want to have Semper Vic written on my thigh in my brother's handwriting. Semper Vic is the high school wrestling team's motto, meaning always victorious. It doesn't always mean that you will win every match, because my brother didn't, but rather that you will act like a champion in your everyday life with how you treat others, yourself, and the world around you. I believe my brother greatly embodied what the team meant it to stand for. To explain further, the old wrestling singlets have Semper Vic written on the thigh, which is the reason for the location. I would greatly appreciate if you could get back to me.

Thanks much,
Baby Fry

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this is beautiful.

RIP smallfry


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