Hey guys! Looking forward to having some keyboard homies
Welcome to geekhack
What keyboards are in your collection?
Well currently I have (2) Velocifire TLK61 & (1) HK61 built for using at work with a Epomaker keypad. I like Akko Jelly blacks for work in the 61s. Flamingos in the keypad. If any of these explode into a million pieces for some strange reason, I won't feel too badly for them.
At home I am using a Epomaker Shadow X with box jades. I painted the top plate an old school flat gold for a retro-cyber look with the screen. Stock caps. Its really new so I haven't really decided how I want to set it up yet.
I just sold my Wormier/XVX TKL to a co-worker and also just sold my GMMK2 to my friend to use at his job.
So some pretty basic stuff....
I'm looking for something a little more on the rich side at the moment. Solid aluminum chassis NCR80 style. I see the Aliexpress NCR80s.... have been tempted, but I think I want it to be on the heavy side.
MMkeyboard has one I have seen, but only the red currently in hot-swappable. I prefer the hot-swappable to avoid de-soldering to change switches.
Also a full 108 key with a solid aluminum chassis would be sweet.
If you have any suggestions that would be awesome