I am waiting for the new version to come out. The current/old version is also hard to find, and I have heard that there are reliability problems with it. The key layout on it looks quite interesting, too. The keys seem to curve as they reach the outer edges which looks like it would make pressing the keys around the ring finger an pinky a little easier. I hope on the new version they update the looks a little bit. The current version doesn't have aesthetics I appreciate much. I would like a split 'board with Filco looks. My MS Natural 4000 was a very pleasant 'board to look at with the black/grey color scheme like the Filco. It had a pleather, built-in wrist rest which was the bomb. I wish that keyboard had mechanical switches. Other than the mushy keys, it was great 'board: fairly heavy with the perfect (for me) split angle and vertical tilt and it had a more standard layout than my Evolution.
EDIT: Member dmw has one, and he said that it was an OK 'board, but after awhile, keystrokes would not register properly. If he is still around, I'll see if he can send it to me for a week or so (or just outright buy it), and, if it works properly, I'll give it a good run and review it.