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--- Quote from: chyros on Wed, 10 August 2022, 01:25:47 ---
Are they better or worse than Trump?

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There is a saying that Trump was the flower, not the root.

The Radical Right has been diligently at work and highly focused on its agenda for over 4 decades, an agenda to consolidate the wealth and power of the ultra-wealthy.

"Nationalism" in the face of an ever-shrinking and interconnected world? "Small government" in a time of global warming and pandemics?

Nobody in his right mind would support such concepts, so it was necessary to divorce millions of people from their right minds. That requires control of mass media ....

Trump was very effective in ripping apart the fabric of our society, but he was extremely stupid and incompetent and behaved like a rabid dog.

The new crop of candidates are much more intelligent and competent so they will be more effective at accomplishing their goals, but at least they are not insane.

not insane - just evil

and they hate America just like their puppet masters tell them to

Search warrants are not matters of public record, but the person being searched does receive a copy of the warrant. If Drumpf thought that he was being persecuted unfairly, he could easily release the warrant (or the first page summary) and suggest that a search was not justified. There would be something tangible to see and discuss out in the open.

It now seems to be becoming clear that the documents (especially the ones in the safe) were classified and top secret, and that he was selling them off for his own profit.

Meal Team 6 rdy for dooty.

The education has to improve in this country, even if it's about maintaining a blue collar labor class, we can't have'um THISs dumb.

He posted the following on Truth Social, a drumph social media platform.

/He died, they killed him, deep state br0



--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Fri, 12 August 2022, 15:54:30 ---Meal Team 6 rdy for dooty.

The education has to improve in this country, even if it's about maintaining a blue collar labor class, we can't have'um THISs dumb.

He posted the following on Truth Social, a drumph social media platform.

/He died, they killed him, deep state br0

(Attachment Link)

--- End quote ---
What on Earth?! Oo

I'm assuming this person is now in custody and awaiting trial for conspiracy to commit murder, terrorism and treason?


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