geekhack Community > Keyboard Keycaps
I have heard that gmk r1's price is going a little bit more expensive on the merch market. Some of them say because of the different mold, different texture, the feeling is more rigid of something. But I'm holding my nuclear r1 right now and compare with some gmk sets I just got from novelkeys sale and they are exactly the same. What is the justification for the difference then? Can someone enlighten me out of this darkness and obsession of r1?
This is a controversial and neglected topic. Because it is possible that more recent [post-pandemic] GMK is of lesser quality in subtle ways.
There were some overt problems during the pandemic years with misaligned legends and bad spacebars. In sets like Cafe and 9009 R3, these problems were noticed. In the latter case, 9009 R3 had to ship out replacement spacebars.
As for surface texture, that is an even more subtle issue. It may not be possible to have a productive conversation about surface texture. Personally, I find slight variances in GMK texture.
The ideal GMK surface texture to me is a creamy eggshell. It's creamy plastic, but slightly porous, to grip fingertips.
Sets like Honeywell R1, and 9009 R3 had this texture. Some other sets have a more uniform-feeling, 'flat' plastic. Like, they feel pre 'worn-in' compared to Honeywell R1. Again, this is subtle and arguably not worth discussing. Other sets, like the most recent Modern Dolch, have this 'flatter' texture. But the old Oblivion R2 was even flatter. So it's not a chronological thing.
I suspect that sets using the 'classic' GMK colours, like Honeywell and 9009, are more likely to have the 'best' textures. Whereas more recent sets using other plastics, perhaps ordered from different suppliers or batches abroad, might be slightly 'flatter.' Please take this with a grain of salt - this is not easy to measure.
What is objectively true, in my view, is that GMK spacebars are getting worse. This was already being noticed starting in 2019 or 2020. With several sets requiring spacebar replacements. I saw a video a year or two ago testing new vs. old GMK spacebars. The newer ones took longer to return, suggesting that they did not sit as straight on stabilizers as the older ones.
Certainly, I can attest to Honeywell R1 having very straight, solid-feeling spacebars, and excellent texture, and keycaps that feel very substantial. I think most of what was manufactured 2016-17 was using good materials and molds. Rigidity was mostly very good. Legend misalignment was still present. And there were issues such as 'burnt' stems, even on some people's Honeywell.
Recent threads on other forums have pointed to even more substantial problems among recent GMK, but I'm not aware of the details. I only have limited GMK coming in these days.
So I would say that spacebars, almost certainly, are not as good as they were in the 'R1' days [if we say 2016-2018 or so was the R1 days.] Surface textures might not be as complex, hard to say. General consistency of smaller keycaps may have taken a dive, but you'd have to check more recent threads in other places to find out if that is the case. GMK is not seen as high-value as it once was. KKB seems to have taken GMK's position as someone who can make large custom ABS orders with good value. Even if their keycaps are not as fancy as GMK's best-ever sets, and not everyone is a fan of KKB texture.
That is a really in-depth analysis! Ye I heard that the mold used in 2017 and 2018 is different from today's mold.
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