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What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.

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There are many "What are you...?" threads, but I don't think I've seen one about what's currently got you hooked to the tube (or flat screen). Can be any show, film, cartoon, anime, miniseries, etc.

I have a short attention span these days, so stuff like movies even takes a few sittings to finish.

Currently I'm rewatching Seven Samurai, this time on Blu-ray.

The last time I saw this was 15 years ago. Before that, I didn't know what distinguished a good film from a bad one. I thought all movies were just movies. This changed everything.
I suddenly realized what defined a "good" movie, and what defined amazing acting.

Also rewatching Tales from the Crypt. Don't know why I was watching that when I was five or six way back when.

No spoilers, please. :)

Oh man. I should just post my spreadsheet here.  :))


--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Fri, 05 February 2016, 23:27:56 ---Oh man. I should just post my spreadsheet here.  :))

--- End quote ---

How many things can you watch at the same time?! I'd lose details.

I have two shows I'm watching at any given time. One is my "me" show that I watch on my own. Until tonight it was One Punch Man. Now I need another show. :/

The other is my "us" show, and I stream it to my GF through Skype since she doesn't have Netflix. We're watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars right now. Man that show is good.


--- Quote from: romevi on Fri, 05 February 2016, 23:37:43 ---
--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Fri, 05 February 2016, 23:27:56 ---Oh man. I should just post my spreadsheet here.  :))

--- End quote ---

How many things can you watch at the same time?! I'd lose details.

--- End quote ---

Hence the spreadsheet! :)) I need to update it tomorrow, then I'll share it. During college I was watching 20+ shows on the air, but it has since settled down and I'm working through my backlog of shows that have already aired.


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