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Did teachers hit students in your school growing up?
I was telling someone it happened all the time growing up in the 80s and parents were mostly OK with it. I distinctly remember one teacher who would leave welts on kids thighs from hitting them with a chalk stick, and every time we would tell our parents their response would be, "What did you do?" It seemed common in the 80s, but then again that was a long time ago.
Yes, of course they did. But I went to school in the 1950s and 1960s (college in the 1970s).
In Junior High, the assistant principal (the Enforcer) had 2 paddles: a regular one, and one with holes in it. From acquaintances of mine who experienced both, the one with holes was more painful, presumably because it could develop more speed on the swing because of better air flow.
Yes, but not that often. Those who got caned really deserved it.
Grew up in china..
The teachers back then most definitely did.. I think even today, it's common.
One of my buddy got a whoopn' I think it was kindergarten.
Most of the kids thought it was unjust.. SO ol' Tp4 waited an entire semester, snuck back into the classroom during recess, broke the teacher's glasses, and set them neatly back into the case.
(this was a big deal back in the day, because glasses were extremely expensive to replace)
Don't worry, it's one of them air-head teachers who were little more than babysitters., not a wise ol' woman trying to better youth..
My wife had a teacher that would walk around with a stick and hit their tables with it, it made a lot of noise and really scared the children in that class.
But as far as actually hitting them; no.
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