geekhack Community > Ergonomics

Gaming on a split keyboard?

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This applies to any board with split spacebar support, but I discovered it while using a split board (Unigo66) for gaming: split spacebar is fantastic for gaming. Way easier to press quickly and repeatedly than full spacebar. I main Lucio in OW and found jumping way easier on spacebar with split space.

I've been gaming on my new KBO-5000 split lately and it's fantastic.  Macro keys to the left are nice (but not crucial).  What's really great is that I have three thumb keys in easy reach.  Normally the command key is my temporary layer key - but I have a "game" layer where I remap that key to something more useful in games (like left ctrl).  It's really nice to push the right hand board out of the way and have just the left side and mouse pad too.

I started playing on lily58 and switched over to a corne and finally a skelytyl - haven’t seen any negative effects :) :) :) :)

granola bar enthusiast:
up until a few years back, i was using a crappy full size ergo membrane board, it was an interesting layout and i would like to see it converted to a MX board but for gaming it was okay, besides the fact it was a membrane board it's layout was quite comfortable and I was able to play pretty much most games with it. I experienced some annoyances with FPS games where i would have to stretch my hand to press G but other than that it was relatively nice.


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