geekhack Marketplace > Artisan Services
[KeyRelic] Premium Metal Artisan Keycaps
Behold, mortals!
For you can witness the creation of KeyRelics!
Gaze and despair as they are probably beyond your budget anyways
Noun: a part to be depressed by a finger that serves as one unit of a keyboard
Adjective: extremely or crucially important
Verb: to make nervous, tense, or excited
\ˈre-lik \
an object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr
a survivor or remnant left after decay, disintegration, or disappearance
a trace of some past or practice, custom, or belief
Forged from solid metal and built to last ages, they will stand the test of time and outlive us all just like the pieces of timeless art they were inspired by.
Disgust - is what I feel when I see all the plastic, mass-produced, junk that eventually ends up in the landfill. My aim is to make something opposite, artifacts that will be passed from generation to generation.
Our Keycaps are not a product for many, but only for a selected few.
Right now all of our keycaps are available here:
In this thread, I will showcase our creations!
The newest of them is The Lion!
Inspired by the best house from GoT.
Remember that scene, when Tyrion gives his lion ring to Shaga and says, that this trinket is worth more than anything that his tribe owns?
Wow, these are impressive :eek:
Why must you tempt me?!
Beautiful artisan :)
Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk
These look amazing... :eek:
Thank you!
The Lion now is also available in Stormwind Edition!
[High luster polish]
For the... uh...!
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