geekhack Community > Keyboards

Highest quality readily available keyboards

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My AEK broke and I need a new daily driver.

Problem is, I haven't been following the hobby for about 10 years and kind of lost touch. Have no idea what people buy and use these day.

I basically need the following:

1) the highest possible quality

2) the keyboard should be readily available to buy (no group buys, no massdrop or whatever)

3) not with the Topre switches

The price is not a concern.


What's wrong with your AEK? I have plenty of AEK donor parts if you want to keep it going. I also daily drive an AEK (work keyboard), but I handwired mine with a Teensy2 ++.

Otherwise, are you looking for a kit, complete, themed, etc?

Are you looking for a pre-soldered, pre-built keyboard? Or a hotswap keyboard where you can put your own switches in?

You should check out the Modern Model F line that Ellipse developed.

It is iconoclastic and beastly - the weight, the noise, mechanical hysteresis - in ways that might make it unsuitable for you.

AEK is an excellent all-purpose keyboard, "just enough" tactily, weight, and solidness.
Even better when the switches and key caps are transplanted into a more "cooperative" keyboard like a Northgate Omnikey or an AT101W.

Yes, the new Model F is possibly the most luxurious available in-production complete keyboard. There are also the UNICOMP Model M keyboards.


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