geekhack Community > Keyboards

Alps Appreciation Thread

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--- Quote from: Pretendo on Wed, 18 October 2023, 07:57:02 ---
--- Quote from: mohawk1367 on Tue, 17 October 2023, 13:01:43 ---why does everyone else have recycling centers that let u buy stuff but my city doesnt im gonna cry

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Okay so this wasn't technically a recycle center. I left out details for brevity. It was more of a locally owned "thrift store" which almost acts as a recycle center. They take in stuff no normal thrift store would and sell it for dirt cheap, with the idea that hobbyists will have some use for it. Things like small used hand tools, boxes of assorted power transformers, computer wires, typewriters, old video cameras, etc. The owner is sort of an electronics hobbyist so you'll see some oddball stuff come in from time to time.

It's not something run by the city, so technically not "recycling center" but that's very much the intention.

Now, you're in Rochester... I wouldn't make a special trip for this since it's very hit an miss for 4 hours of driving, but if you're ever going downstate using highway 81 and want to pop in, the place I'm talking about here is the Cortland Reuse Center in Cortland NY. They're in the middle of a location change so I'd steer clear until mid November at least, and it's fairly uncommon that I actually find something valuable there (though they've been great for things like light fixtures and other small projects around the house), I just live close enough where I can pop in fairly often. If you do manage to make it down here, keep your expectations low.

FWIW New York does have some recycle centers that let you buy stuff. I went to college in New Paltz downstate, and they had one. Ithaca might also be a good bet, but I haven't checked that out personally.

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i was literally JUST downstate in NYC on like Sunday lol

Oops. Next time.

Most likely you wouldn't have found anything. The keyboards they have right now are all rubber dome. They do have a few electric/electronic typewriters but nothing with interesting switches. It's very much a shot in the dark when they have interesting stuff. Their Sunday hours are also very limited so you may not have been able to catch them open.

There HAS to be a place in or near Rochester doing something similar. That area has to be crawling with awesome old computer stuff.


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Sun, 08 October 2023, 17:02:49 ---
--- Quote from: Rob27shred on Sun, 08 October 2023, 06:11:30 ---Same here, if Chyros can't sell you on ALPS no one can! Speaking of, my latest ALPS acquisition...

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Nice, brown alps are probably my favourite tactile/clicky alps. I remember trying a lot of alps at a meetup and they were kinda underwhelming. Especially Blues, weren't as clicky as I thought they would be. Brown alps were pretty nice but maybe it was because we were standing and I wasn't typing but they felt kinda light in tactility in comparison to like 55g topre. The linears were pretty smooth and enjoyable though.

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I love blue because they click loudly, and it gives me a feeling that I'm a writer typing on a typewriter.

I started breaking down 200+ Black Alps (Bamboo) from a Dell AT-101W. They need to be disassembled, cleaned by hand, ultra-sonic clean, lube, and reassemble.

Has anyone done the wax boil method? If so, how does it compare to using a lightweight Deflon Silicone as traditionally has been used in switch lubing?

Has anyone ever done a wax boil on a damped switch? How did it affect the rubber in the slider?

I used red linear Matias for years. I wish they were lighter to press, though. And physically smaller.


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