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What do you eat? The thread about things you eat.

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First harvest of the year.


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Tue, 25 June 2024, 14:35:20 ---First harvest of the year.

--- End quote ---

Looks good, what are you gonna make with it?

I would love to cook something nice made of those fohat's veggies :)
Or just eat them raw - imagine biting in one of those juicy tomatoes... hmmm... :D

Tomato's are easy to grow. And they like the shade. Not too much sun.  The red lycopene is a super strong antioxidant.

I disagree, these tomatoes are in full hard sun all day long.

But it has grown up like a jungle and the canopy is so dense I have trouble even finding the fruit. They are making their own shade.


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