geekhack Community > Keyboards
I made a mistake and bought two IBM Model M's for a pretty killer price, but being me I made a mistake. One of them is the standard Model M with a PS2 port, but the other one has the RJ45 connector. I was wondering if there was any way to hook it up to my computer, whether I have to buy an adapter, make one myself, or mod the keyboard? The keyboard was 18 bucks and is in pretty good condition, so reselling it is always an option.
Would buying a plain old Ethernet to USB work? They work with printers, why wouldn't they work with a keyboard?
You need a converter, such as Soarer's converter, to make it work with a modern PC.
--- Quote from: jdcarpe on Mon, 16 November 2015, 14:22:41 ---You need a converter, such as Soarer's converter, to make it work with a modern PC.
--- End quote ---
Ah that's great news! Mind sending me a link to one?
There are also other ways if you feel ambitious enough....
This post also has links to Orihalcon's Adapters... et all...
Sure, here you go
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