geekhack Marketplace > TMK Keyboard Service
[TMK] FC980C Alt Controller
This controller replaces original controller of Leopold FC980C and make it programmable with TMK firmware.
You will get a controller board like below.
Top side: R4 and C10 are intentionally unpopulated.
Bottom side: Push swich is used for programming
Note that this controller doesn't include small USB connector board.
This is pic of original controller of FC980C for reference.
Still available regularly. (2024-01-09) It can be shipped within a week.
Please check this post also for shipping before placing order.
Email me at with subject "FC980C" to place an order. Let me know your location(country), shipping rate may vary. I'll send PayPal invoice to your email address.
Price: 44USD
Payment: PayPal invoice will be sent. You can use credit card or PayPal account for payment. Please make sure you supply correct shipping address on Paypal when making payment.
Shipping: Check this thread.
- This is NOT compatible to FC980M
- This controller doesn't include small USB connector board.
- On controller PCB R4 and C10 are intentionally unpopulated.
- No Type-C option. 2024-01-09 MoreI don't have a plan for Type-C daughter board.
After some research I concluded Type-C mod for FC980C is very difficult due to its case dimensions unfortunately. Its cavity and connector hole are too small for Type-C, case modification is needed and it would not be easy for average users without proper skills and tools.
How to install
You have to void warranty from manufacturer to do this mod, of course.
MoreOpen case
Break warranty seal sticker
and unscrew three bolts on bottom.
Crack it open using tool like phone openner or plastic card with care.
Mate/unmate connector
Cable harness between boards is very short and you have to be careful when mate/unmate it.
See this instruction to handle this connector:
Use fingertip or nail for this connector and unscrew to remove original controller board.
Install controller board
Fixed Alt controller board with two screw.
TMK Keymap Editor
You can configure key mapping and download firmware with web browser. Chrome is recommended.
How to flash
The Controller has ATmega32U4 as a microcontroller. Press button on bottom to turn into programming mode. More
To flash firmware you need tool like FLIP or dfu-programmer, refer to this wiki page for detail.
Build from source codes
Build firmwre yourself when TMK Keymap Editor is not enough for your need.
You can find source codes here:
Check wiki for how to build firmware:
You can discuss technical topics here:
Demand for this controller is very little but still available so far.
I'll stop producing this controller when components in hand runs out. 30 pcs can be produced from the compoenents.
Updated firmware. This change increase scan rate and disables debug print to accept fast key input .
Never got report from users but If you experience drop or transpose keys in fast typing try new firmware.
You can download from keymap editor or build from the latest source code.
Hello - any chance this is still available for the FC980C?
Yes it is still available.
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