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The Coffee Set is officially open for sales!
Pre-Orders have passed and we are now officially releasing the Coffee Set for sale!
We'd like to formally apologize for the lack of quality pictures on our Coffee Set. The colors are very hard to capture accurately but we've managed to take some new pictures that should give you a sense of what you're getting.
These pictures are about as accurate as the actual coffee set. This may differ depending on your monitor settings.
Keep hot, warm, and caffeinated with our new Coffee Set!
P.S. We will be having a tsangan kit set made for this set due to heavy demand. Stay tuned!
You need a new potato. :P
--- Quote from: SmallFry on Sun, 10 March 2013, 18:11:14 ---You need a new potato. :P
--- End quote ---
Haha indeed. This set has compelled me to purchase a new camera. I've been using a Sony DSC-T900
Turbo Slaab:
Got mine Saturday and I must say, even these pictures don't do this set justice. These look really good in person!
The updated pic looks much better. However, why are the ` and \ keycaps brown?
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