geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

[GB] Sirius (100% Shipped)

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In for a decked out hhkb

Does it smell tho


--- Quote from: TuCZnak on Mon, 13 May 2019, 09:00:58 ---Does it smell tho

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I was promised stanky stank in the IC thread. I will be very disappointed and feel cheated if I open the package and it doesn't reek

Debating between pink and blue CF...


--- Quote from: onefivenine on Sun, 12 May 2019, 10:00:06 ---
- POM plate


MaterialColorsPriceCarbon FiberBlack / Silver / Blue / Pink$30FR4Black$20PolycarbonateSandblasted$40POMPOM$40

--- End quote ---
Boy, I sure hope someone will swing by and explains to me the pros and cons if these plate materials.
I mean, we all know this will be a bouncy boi, but how bouncy is, say, FR4 vs. Carbon Fiber? Sound profiles?


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