geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders
Group Buy Rules and Guidelines (Updated 2023-09-11)
Sorry, I think I saw the content of the IN STOCK guideline or something like that months ago, but i can not find the content now.
--- Quote from: kkai on Fri, 14 June 2024, 04:40:19 ---Sorry, I think I saw the content of the IN STOCK guideline or something like that months ago, but i can not find the content now.
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It's the "Update 2022-11-22" in the "What is 'Group Buys and Preorders'?" section of the OP.
--- Quote from: dvorcol on Fri, 14 June 2024, 15:22:25 ---
--- Quote from: kkai on Fri, 14 June 2024, 04:40:19 ---Sorry, I think I saw the content of the IN STOCK guideline or something like that months ago, but i can not find the content now.
--- End quote ---
It's the "Update 2022-11-22" in the "What is 'Group Buys and Preorders'?" section of the OP.
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heya just wondering, what is the time we can open and create a group buy thread before the run starts? for example, I plan to run my gmk LOV set on the first of Jan, would this be fine for me to create my thread in the next few days?
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