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[IC]Outemu Feather Silent Tactile switch

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Last time we brought the Butterfly Silent Linear Switch.This time, we brought the feather switch also manufactured by Outemu
Like butterfly switches, feather switches are jointly designed by XCJZ,in collaboration with jkdk, and manufactured by Outemu
XCJZ is an Eastern switch collector with extensive experience in switches (and also a designer of many switches, such as Lucy switches, butterfly switches, Sanglei switches, etc.)
In the current market, linear switches occupy the mainstream position, and tactile switches are becoming increasingly rare. However, we believe that enthusiasts with a need for silent tactile switches should not be ignored. In a beautiful community, no one should be left behind. Of course, we ourselves also love silent tactile switches, and Outemu has considerable experience in tactile switches,The feather switch is a powerful work of Outemu and XCJZ.Feather switch Specifications:
- Silent Heavy tactile
- 63g spring(16mm)
- POM Lengthen stem+TPU Soft Plasti
- Outemu customized NLpro top housing
- Outemu customized NLpro bottom housing
- 5 pin
- 3.5mm Travel
- Actuation force: 45±5gf
- Initial force: 35gf Min
- Pressure point force: 63.5gf Max
- Made by Outemu
- lubrication
- Designed by XCJZ×JKDK

Stem TPU Soft Plasti and transparent semi fluid grease lubrication

Use Outemu's custom NLpro material for the top and bottom to make it smoother,Featuring 16mm and 63.5g springs
Feather switch is a standard silent heavy tactile switch,While keeping quiet, give your fingers a strong sense of feedback.
Using a color scheme similar to bird feathers, like birds dancing at fingertips
To ensure the broadest reach for the switches, I will be collaborating with many vendors worldwide. This ensures that as many people can purchase this switch at the lowest possible shipping.
In order to enable more people to quickly obtain the switch without waiting for a long time, we will use inventory sales. As long as we confirm the vendor list, we can transport it to the local area.
So this is a fast and cost-effective silent switch

Sales method: Inventory sales
Price:0.3$/PCS(Adjustments will be made according to the region)Vendor List:
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The form is not publicly open yet though.

--- Quote from: Bert on Thu, 26 December 2024, 04:22:09 ---Interested.

The form is not publicly open yet though.

--- End quote ---
Sorry, it has now been made public

Boba U4-esque, but the notched area to the inside of the upper stem damper is interesting. What's the purpose? Any defining characteristics that set it apart from the U4 (also made by Outemu)?


--- Quote ---Hello
Last time we brought the Butterfly Silent Linear Switch.This time, we brought the feather switch also manufactured by Outemu
Like butterfly switches, feather switches are jointly designed by XCJZ,in collaboration with jkdk, and manufactured by Outemu
XCJZ is an Eastern switch collector with extensive experience in switches (and also a designer of many switches, such as Lucy switches, butterfly switches, Sanglei switches, etc.)
In the current market, linear switches occupy the mainstream position, and tactile switches are becoming increasingly rare. However, we believe that enthusiasts with a need for silent tactile switches should not be ignored. In a beautiful community, no one should be left behind. Of course, we ourselves also love silent tactile switches, and Outemu has considerable experience in tactile switches,The feather switch is a powerful work of Outemu and XCJZ.Sales method: Inventory sales
Price:0.3$/PCS(Adjustments will be made according to the region)Vendor List:
US:Divinikey geometry dash lite
Rest of the

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--- End quote ---
I'm from Canada. When can I receive if I order it?


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