geekhack Community > Other Geeky Stuff

My MacBook battery took a dump

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No shocker there, huh? Is there an after-market battery I can buy that will give me better performance than Apple's?


--- Quote from: xsphat;2527 ---No shocker there, huh? Is there an after-market battery I can buy that will give me better performance than Apple's?
--- End quote ---

I'd like to hear more details regarding what happened with your battery.  Is your MB still under warranty (or AppleCare)??

Looks like a new battery will cost you around $100.

My battery just started to die after about 45 minutes - from the thing telling me it's at 50% then it drops to 30% and then 20% and then it just goes to sleep.

I chatted with iMAv about this, so this is mute issue. I just have to live with it or buy a new battery. I'll most likely do the later.

Aww, I thought you were going to post some pics of battery acid leakage.

Well, sorry, I think ...


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