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Do you guys drink alot of water?

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Everyone Tp4 meets, they'd be like, Tp4, we never see you drink any liquids. You need to drink water or you will dehydrate and die. You're gonna get kidney stones, and prostate cancer.

Meanwhile, Tp4 has never had a kidney stone, they've had several.

What's up with this water stuff ? Tp4 maybe drinks 1 cup of tea a day max, 2-3 times a week. Everything else just veggies.

Is Tp4 missing something, are 1 supposed to just "feel it."  Broken thirst receptors ?

How much water/fluids do you guys drink?

I drink an enormous amount of fluids, but never "just water".

In the morning, half a litre of thin, 0 cal lemonade.
Then at work, 1 cup of hot chocolate and 1 cup of tea before lunch (~300 mL each).
For lunch, 1 litre of drinking yoghurt.
After lunch, three more cups of tea.
When I get home, a pot of tea (~1 L).
Around 1.5 L of milk during the evening, mostly around dinner.
Usually another pot of tea during the evening/night, or maybe one big glass (0.5 L).

Around 6-7 L of fluid per day in total. I honestly don't know what imperial unit is used to describe drinking fluids, pints? Gallons? Floz?


--- Quote from: chyros on Tue, 27 February 2024, 02:55:22 ---Around 6-7 L of fluid per day in total. I honestly don't know what imperial unit is used to describe drinking fluids, pints? Gallons? Floz?

--- End quote ---

This seems excessive. How often bathroom?


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Tue, 27 February 2024, 06:22:59 ---
--- Quote from: chyros on Tue, 27 February 2024, 02:55:22 ---
what imperial unit is used to describe drinking fluids

--- End quote ---

This seems excessive. How often bathroom?

--- End quote ---

Reommendations vary wildly, in the US they talk about 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight.

That would equate to 5 liters (a little over a gallon) for a 75 kg (165 pound) person.

Of course, caffiene and alcohol mess with this ratio because both tend to have diuretic effects.

I drink 24-32 oz of coffee (black coffee, no cream/sugar) between 8am-3pm or so at work. Then I drink 20-60oz of water between 5pm and bedtime when I get home. On weekends I will drink 12-18oz of coffee and drink 40-60oz of water and maybe a "fun" drink like Olipop or Poppi.

Probably a bit much when it comes to coffee, but working at home today I had 12-16oz coffee and now I am done with coffee and have switched to water.

I sip coffee at work because I enjoy the flavor and it's warm. I don't get caffeine withdrawals so I haven't felt much of a need to cut back.


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