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Climate Baby Dilemma [Documentary]


Y'all seen this documentary?

It seems a young people's offshoot of the many Antinatalism perspectives perpetuated online.

Now, logically speaking, Death, is not really a choice a living-entity makes. By being alive, as far as our evolved cognition is concerned, we are only designed to make choices which Increase sub/obj Metrics of "To Live".

Even when humans decide to kill other humans, from the perspective of the oligarchs sending young people to die, they believe that the action strengthens their "way of life", decadent and wasteful as it may be.

Antinatalism is a form of slowly dragged out suicide.

[IPCC] The planet produces 85% of all food on 6% of total dry land mass, we use 43% of total dry land mass to produce 12% of all food in the form of Meat (Animal-agriculture). And we destroy an Africa sized area of the ocean each year to get the remaining 3% of fish meat.

IF we didn't return that 43% to nature(forest), so as to say, NOTHING improves, that 43% used for veggies, could feed a total of 56 Billion humans for at least 10 years.

And so,  the modern narrative on Antinatalism is really a mis-attribution error as to the cause of the death of the planet.

Logically, the more babies, VEGANS have, the better. In fact, Vegans should accelerate and have 10x more babies.

It's only unfortunate for Tp4, as he is veggums, but severely mentally handicapped.

For every fish you save, for every acre you save, for every cow you save, a wealthy person will just consume it instead.

Even if all the poors stopped eating meat and such, we cannot change this, we have to force the wealthy to stop consuming insane amounts. The more you leave them the more they will take... And the most annoying part is that they feel they "deserve it". Why? because they're rich.. Even if it was daddy's money THEY deserve it and they will take everything they can.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Thu, 29 February 2024, 18:09:02 ---..

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Yea, in some ways this is true, but overall. It is our cumulative ideology which generates and empowers the "wealthy class" to begin with.

Our over-amplified desire for drugs, alcohol, Powers up the cigarette and liquor companies, which then abuse their wealth to influence government and society to consume more drugs and alcohol.

It's a social collective failure, we can't blame the myopathy of the wealthy class to Justify our own negative consequence choices.

We have to do both, reign in personal waste, and jihad the wealthy class at the same time.

Yeah I think in order for the world to not go into complete disarray environmentally we kinda have to stop eating as much meat, but I think the priority is to stop the corps from doing so much damage like the mining companies.

I do fear that by the time everything is regulated and corps stop doing that damage, it will be too late


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Thu, 29 February 2024, 19:42:07 ---Yeah I think in order for the world to not go into complete disarray environmentally we kinda have to stop eating as much meat, but I think the priority is to stop the corps from doing so much damage like the mining companies.

I do fear that by the time everything is regulated and corps stop doing that damage, it will be too late

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It's almost certainly too late even now, so don't worry, just try to do your part.

Rich people won't survive much longer than the poor on a dead world, so no one will get away with it.

Eating meat is an anomaly, we are biological herbivores.


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