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KeyPop Photo Gallery & Photo Contest Winners!

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We now have a gallery added to our site consisting of all the submissions we received from the photo contest! Come check it out!

Also, here are your winners for the KeyPop Photo Contest!

1st Place: mickd
#Just really loved the Flower and heart concept! Very artsy!

2nd Place: rowdy
#For some reason this picture gave me ridiculous amounts of nostalgia..

3rd Place: djmattm
#Alcohol and keycaps. Best combination ever.

4th Place: razorsharpgears
#Loved his little gallery! Reminded me of the book series I Spy!

A great thank you to everyone who participated!
If you didn't win don't worry! We have more contests planned in the future!

As a short notice we did alter a few pictures to help enhance the images.

Congrats All; Thanks KeyPop! And yeah I was actually trying to go for the I-Spy theme ^_^
Just wish I had a better camera, would have taken more pictures and in different settings. Oh well a DSLR is on my wishlist :]

Yuhu i'm so happy i won the 3rd place!! Thanks Keypop!!

Wow, I wasn't expecting that!  Thanks guys :)

Well done everyone who won, and who entered - some fantastic photos :D


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