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[GB] F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! Kishsaver+Industrial Model F
F122 container shipment update:
The next container shipment is now on its way; today the pallets were picked up by the freight forwarder and are getting ready to be loaded into the shipping container. Since this shipment was only a few pallets the shipping container is being shared with other shipments (known as LCL or less than container load).
This shipment contains a little over half the 400 F122 keyboards that I ordered as part of the first batch, which should be enough to mail out all of the current F122 orders so far, plus some orders in the coming weeks. Please don't ask if your current or prospective order will be included in the current container shipment or not as I can't say for sure and no one knows whether a number of these boards may arrive damaged, thereby reducing the number of shippable boards.
Delivery of the container shipment to me is expected by early April.
Wendell from Level1Techs has just posted a video on the Brand New Model M Style FSSK!
Here was the video comment I posted:
Thanks Wendell for a great video on the Brand New Model F keyboard! I especially liked your explanation of the solenoid and what it does. A number of folks have told me that they didn't really understand what the solenoid did for these old style keyboards and why it was such a popular add on. At a recent keyboard meetup I had the keyboard with installed solenoid connected to my laptop so that folks could see the solenoid in action as they tested the new reproduction keyboards - there was a lot of attention on the solenoid specifically!
Update: the F122 keyboards are currently at sea on the container ship. Delivery to me is expected in mid-March.
Here we have a great video review of the new Model M style F104 keyboard from YouTube channel Tech Bytes! My comments on the video are below:
I like that you focused on a comparison with the Model M, which I think will be most helpful for folks who come across your review and who may have heard about the M but have not heard about its predecessor, the Model F.
Regarding the label, the labels were designed to reproduce the original Model F 4704 which had the same silver label style. I agree that I do like the larger Model F and Model M labels with the plastic laminate overlay. I have thought about changing it to the better style label.
Regarding keycaps, most IBM Model F originals had one-piece keys, though some had two piece keys. The opposite was the case with Model M keyboards: most have two piece keys, though a few came with one piece keys. That is a great observation about the extra movement with two piece keys compared to one-piece keys.
Here we have a terrific in-depth review article of the new Model M style Model F keyboards:
I like how everything is explained so well. You really do need an extended length article to explain things sufficiently, which has been done well in this article. I think this article could serve as an excellent reference for those who are new to the keyboard hobby as well as those who have some experience with buckling springs.
My feedback to the author is copied below:
F62 and F77 keyboards started shipping in 2019, not 2021.
Ellipse is my user name on the forums, not Elipse.
Some Model F's used two piece keys like some of the F122's other than 6110344, while some Model M's used once piece keys such as some of the terminal models like my 1392980 terminal SSK. Generally your point is accurate about one piece being more common for F and two piece being more common for M.
This note is only correct for the XT and AT style Model F keyboards with the extra long spacebars; the rest do not use that huge spacebar that requires taking apart the plates: "Cleaning Model Fs is a time-consuming process. You can remove every key except the spacebar, which has stabilizers that are connected underneath the top steel plate. To remove the spacebar, you must separate the two steel plates. Every barrel and spring/hammer combination will have to be set properly when the plates are put back together. People have broken the stabilizer retention clips on the spacebar by trying to remove it without removing the stabilizer wire beforehand."
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