geekhack Marketplace > Artisan Services
Moderation Team:
VToS is for everyone doing commercial activity. Depending on how much commercial activity, including just selling on the Classifieds in large numbers, we can categorize people dynamically. There are plenty of vendors without any subforums lurking on GH.
5b: "In the absence of a vendor forum, commercial postings may be made in the artisan services forum with permission from Moderator Team and/or an administrator."
--- Quote from: Moderation Team on Wed, 02 April 2014, 14:57:08 ---VToS is for everyone doing commercial activity. Depending on how much commercial activity, including just selling on the Classifieds in large numbers, we can categorize people dynamically. There are plenty of vendors without any subforums lurking on GH.
5b: "In the absence of a vendor forum, commercial postings may be made in the artisan services forum with permission from Moderator Team and/or an administrator."
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You guys should really sit down and chat with one another before saying things that are contradictory.
--- Quote ---On 4/2/14, at 2:15 PM, tjcaustin - wrote:
> Hey, legit question, are artisans bound by VTOS
On 4/2/14, at 2:18 PM, hashbaz wrote:
> that is a legit question
> I think, in general, "no"
> but I don't think it's been hashed out yet
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If that's changed in the near hour since I talked to hashbaz, ok, but then the question arises of "What in the blue hell was the point of separation if everything is going to be treated the same except that non-commercial sellers are segregated?"
Basically what Mod Team is saying is that, anyone who engages in any type of monetary transaction using the forum to facilitate, can be classified as a vendor at any time, at the discretion of forum staff. So, depending on the situation, everyone is at times subject to the VToS, with our without an official "Vendor" label.
--- Quote from: jdcarpe on Wed, 02 April 2014, 15:02:25 ---Basically what Mod Team is saying is that, anyone who engages in any type of monetary transaction using the forum to facilitate, can be classified as a vendor at any time, at the discretion of forum staff. So, depending on the situation, everyone is at times subject to the VToS, with our without an official "Vendor" label.
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Then why are there two TOS if it's arbitrarily decided who is or isn't a vendor at any given moment in time?
Additionally, that's not at all what was said when VTOS was introduced nearly a year ago:
--- Quote from: samwisekoi on Thu, 23 May 2013, 16:26:07 ---And no, selling keyboards and keycaps between hobbyists doesn't count. But because this is a forum full of smart people, we added the IRS test to Rule 1 to push people off of the fence one way or the other. If the IRS *would* rule your activities a business on Schedule C, then it is a business. If the IRS would rule it a hobby, then it is not a business according to that test.
Alternatively, if you launch a keyboard business with a storefront and an Illinois Tax Certificate (for example), then you are also a vendor.
Does that answer your questions?
- Ron | samwisekoi
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So basically what you guys are saying is depending on the mood of the moderator at the time, it is what it is, and the rules are just guidelines?
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