There's been some shared interest in getting this concept to reality, so I've decided to seriously look at getting it to GB, even if it's a smaller run.
I've decided to opt for KBM as the manufacturer to optimise price, production estimate timeline.
I've also since revamped the colour scheme from simple White on Black, to 'Dolch' with Red accents, with changes to some legends, kits, and several fun deskmats. I'm not going to lie, I spent way too much time playing around with the deskmat designs.
Summary of changes:
- KBM is the chosen PBT dyesub manufacturer
- Colour scheme changed from WoB to Dolch with Red accents, because I felt it looked more interesting
- Accents were changed to White on Red, instead of Black on Red for better contrast legibility
- Red on Black modifiers are available for a more aggressive aesthetic
- White on Black Alphas will still be available as a separate kit, which you can combine with the Modifier only kits if you prefer
- Black on White Alphas removed
- Additional top row 2.0u Backspace ("Un****")
- Additional top row 1u Red Accent keys: "****." "**** This" to accompany the existing "**** You" "**** It" and "**** No." red accent keys.
- Legends on the 40% compatible keys changed
- Multiple new deskpad designs added: Fubtle, Fucreation, FCK, F Club & F Dot Dot Dot.
- Deskpad design Morons removed. Fugram renamed to Fuxury. ****pad is being considered for it's own separate potential GB with other language swearword variations.
- Potential icon novelties with middle fingers removed for now
- Still to do: Confirm full list of vendors, GB date, and artisans