4.Current imperfections
6.Changelog / Future improvements
IntroductionHello everyone, emin here. I want to present you my first proper design which I made to check off following boxes:
- Tadpole-plateless
- 65% with XT column
- Looking good on the table
Yep - just those three points were enough for me to dive into keyboard design principles, learning Fusion 360 from scratch and dealing with failed prototypes which taught me very good lessons.
The name 'zeit' is literally the german word for 'time' and is a homage to my time commitment towards the aforementioned "trials and tribulations".
Kit contains: - Top Case // A6063
- Bottom Case // A6063
- Weight piece Sandblasted Brass // Standblasted Stainless Steel
- PCB <QMK//VIA> // S1 UDB // JST-to-EZMate cable (200mm)
- 10xA50 Tadpoles // 10xA70 Tadpoles
- 4-8 Rubber-Standoffs (Refer to 'Current imperfections')
- Packaging
- All misc. parts for assembly like screws, allen key, etc.
Colors (2-3) available for the keyboard to be determined through the IC Form.

PCB Layout compatibility
PCB prototype
Internals TopMore
Internals BottomMore
SoundtestsHMX Xinhai
MX2A Purple
Current imperfections'Forcebreak-integration': For the most recent proto, I played around with using different kinds of 'forcebreak' as can be seen in the spec sheet. The first iteration was using 'run of the mill' gasket cutouts and fitting them with 2mm thick poron and natural rubber. Depending on the matierial the effect was noticable, but not satisfactory in any case.
The second idea was using o-rings which go around the mounting screws. And again, depending on O-Ring strength, the effect was noticable, but in contrast more of which I was looking for.
But here is the thing: Both methods are way too primitive for them to benefit the end user in a general use (sound) and building perspective. A more sophisticated approach - like using rubber-standoffs on mounting points - is advised and will be integrated in a new round.
UDB-S1 and EZmate: While the new UDBs use EZmate connectors and the general idea is great, many have pointed out that these connectors are more of a curse than a gift to work with. Since more hective movement can knock the cable out of the connector, this can make the assembly a pure nightmare. For that, the main PCB remains with the classic JST-connector, while the S1 UDB remains with the EZmate connector.
Yeah I know POGO-Pin connector is a thing, but I would rather wait for Ai03 or others to offer POGO connector DBs which are readily available.Sound of the bottom row: Due to the low front height and way too much empty room between the PCB and bottom case (3.8mm), it sounds relatively hollow in comparison to the alphas. Decreasing distance between PCB and bottom case should resolve this issue.
Rubber feet: Basic rubber domes ain't pretty. Simple as is. Custom mold feet will be sourced.
AvailabilitySale format: Group-Buy
MOQ: 50 Soft-Cap
Price: ~450 USD
Manufacturer: DDS
Price and MOQ subject to change with inclination to take steps to lower price to low 400s // high 300sVendors:To be chosen after determining if there is sufficient interest for 'zeit'.
Design // IC ChangelogDesign Changelog:
Implement Rubber-Standoffs XX.02.2025 - Not verified
Fix bottom row hollowness: XX.02.2025 - Not verified
Changing rubber feet XX.02.2025 - Not verified
IC Changelog:
Published IC - 04.02.2025