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Youtube ads

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So, what happens now is they Load before the adblocker has a chance to block it. The way you can still defeat them is by hitting F5, on any youtube links, and the adblocker will block it, this way, you only have to watch <1 second of the ad.

Anyone find any other blocking solution that works ?

On FF I've used a combo of uBlock Origin and AdGuard for many years, and no measure of changes have subjected me to any ads. I have noticed lately YT takes longer to load up pages, i.e. it will spool up the page then hang there for a few seconds not loading anything else. I assume that is where the ad would go, but it only lasts about 4 seconds.
On my phone I use Free Adblock Browser for the sole purpose of listening to music w/o ad interruptions.

I'm not having any trouble (yet).
Just Ublocker, and I guess my Pi-hole is helping too maybe.

I also use an adblocking dns... But odds are it's ublock doing the lifting.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Mon, 12 February 2024, 20:46:13 ---I'm not having any trouble (yet).
Just Ublocker, and I guess my Pi-hole is helping too maybe.

I also use an adblocking dns... But odds are it's ublock doing the lifting.

--- End quote ---

I do have ublock, but the ads are getting through on links to youtube. Hrrm.. Maybe my other pluggin dark-reader is delaying the ublock too long and it's not blocking ?

Adblock Plus is still working, but the ads do show for a split second.

They must not get through, **** youtube ads.


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