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Unhacking the wallet

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When I go to buy something, I ask myself one question :

If I decide to sell this can I definitely get at least what I paid including shipping?

If yes, I consider buying it. If not, I scrap it unless it's a keyboard I desperately want (surprisingly rare) and know I will probably never want to sell.

What intelli78 wrote resonate so well with me. I am typically very good with money and have been careful with how I spend on my hobbies. But keyboard stuff seems to have touch some madness induce buttons in my head and I became totally irrational over this particular hobbies. Needless to say, I spent a lot in my one year plus here in GH and my friends have written me off as crazy and refuse to even entertain any conversation about keyboards and artisan caps. You guys are the only one who understand this obsession, which explains why I spend so much time here.

I came to the realization right about middle of last year and shared with one member that I needed to curtail this spending. I made a few rules for myself:

1) no more keyboard purchase. After having 2 Topre (end game stuff, right?), 1 MX Clear and 1 Alps and having only two hands and two computer (work and home), I should not need any more keyboards.

2) limit myself to just CC skulls and Brobots. These are my favorites anyway and I'm a minimalist so why make the keyboard looked like a unicorn vomit with so many different designs. Just keep it to two: skulls and bots. I thought I was pretty successful in this aspect.

3) no purchase from classifieds anymore. It's ok to buy from the artisan during their sales but no after market prices anymore. I stopped looking at classifieds.

I am happy to say that it went pretty well. I looked at my spreadsheet which I tracked these stuff and I think ended up pretty good at controlling myself. I am no more happier than when I bought these stuff, so, not spending money and feeling the same way, feels great actually.

There were a few times I broke the rules - I bought a 2TU for $110 recently and a Topre orange blanks set and a couple more - but I think these are more exception to the case. I buy because these are rare stuff, not because of "fear of missing out" or maybe I am just kidding myself. Anyway, I am glad that the impulse only came out once in a while.

It's a great confession, intelli, and I think many of us really need to look at this 'addiction' and asked if we really need so many of these keyboards and its accessories anymore.

So there! Let's keep each other motivated and keep to our own rules.


--- Quote from: Belfong on Fri, 23 January 2015, 06:38:06 ---I stopped looking at classifieds.

--- End quote ---

This is a big one for me. Apart from a quick glance every now and again for clack trades I don't bother looking at FS items. The first 6 months I practically lived in that sub!


--- Quote from: bueller on Fri, 23 January 2015, 06:40:22 ---
--- Quote from: Belfong on Fri, 23 January 2015, 06:38:06 ---I stopped looking at classifieds.

--- End quote ---

This is a big one for me. Apart from a quick glance every now and again for clack trades I don't bother looking at FS items. The first 6 months I practically lived in that sub!

--- End quote ---
And then I found that someone sold an OG Tri in Deskthority classifieds for just $80 Euro! OMG!!!!!!

Hahahahaha... YES !!!

Use um' Don't Collect um'..

Tp4 Approved


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