BP One by Baron Boards
Thank you for looking at my very first keyboard design since creating Baron Boards. I would like to introduce you all to the BP One!
I've had the idea for doing an exotic car themed board since 2020 with early models dating back then. As my flagship kickoff board for Baron Boards, I wanted something special, inspired heavily by the Mclaren P1, the BP One is smooth and sleek; Hopefully unlike anything you've seen before on a keyboard.
Change log- Updated design including
- Downward slope in rear of board where logo is
- Rear Diffuser has a lip on it
- Front of board now has more of a 'smile' like mclarens
- Added engraving inside the board with "BP One" seen through the rear grill (seen in render directly above this)
- updated attachment method from magnets to screws on rear grill
- Received initial quote for prototypes and manufacturing
- Target retail price of $499
- 3D printed full size board
- Received Carbon fiber parts of the board to test out on 3d printed model, including CF plate
- Leaning toward Polycarbonate Mounts for the 'leaf spring' (shown in renders)
- Added Wrist Rest design
- Testing with clear polycarbonate inserts for the top vents to make a smooth surface for resting wrists but still see the shape of vents
- Additionally testing with CarbonFiber inserts incase the polycarbonate ones don't give the desired effect
- AKB Bumpons will be used on the rear of the rest rest to keep it from contacting the BP One
- Prototypes recieved
Wrist Rest
Modular Mounting SystemThis board will feature my new
'Modular Mounting System'My brain started turning on this mounting system after hearing about a "leaf spring" mount being teased. It has since grown beyond my initial design theory. This new modular mounting system allows for near limitless customization. You get to choose what kind of mounts to build the keyboard with. You get to choose where to mount the plate to the keyboard. You get to choose how many mounts to use on your unique build. I have prototyped a keyboard with this system in it already.
Currently I have designed and prototyped 4 types of mounts. I originally had them laser cut in POM but have now moved to 3D printing for quicker iterations
Solid Mount, this gives a fixed mounting position similar to a top mount with minimal flex
O-ring Mount, this lays the plate onto a rubber oring allowing some movement and a softer typing experience
Gasket Mount, this mount gives the feel of a sandwich gasket compression on the plate
Leaf Spring Mount, this allows for substantial movement of the plate acting with a rebound force
You can mix and match mounts too! And forever expanding. If you have an idea for a design or shape let me know and I'll test it out
Back to the BP One - short for Baron Production One. This name is an ode to the McLaren P1. The original McLaren P1 was Experimental Prototype (XP), then moved to Validation Prototype (VP), then Pre-production (PP) and then Production so this seemed fitting.
My current thoughts for the board will feature the following: - Modular Mounting System
- Carbon Fiber Accents
- All aluminum construction (besides carbon fiber bits)
- Carbon Fiber plate (currently testing on my modular mounting system)
- Top to be e-coated for a vibrant color
- Potential for a glossy cerakote top at an additional premium
- All other parts anodized aluminum
- Designed around a 7.5 deg typing angle
- Traditional F12 TKL layout with both WK and WKL top
- Unified DB
- AKB feet
Still to do: - Experiment with different materials for modular mounting system (nylon, ABS, POM, PolyCarb, CF reinforced plastics)
- So far Polycarbonate is my favorite for leaf spring mount which will be the most challenging mount
3D print a full size model to verify look and feel of the shape of the board - Additional colors options
Explore 3rd party coating solutions for a gloss finish, this would most likely be a premium and most likely cerakote (looking to be too expensive) - PCB Design
Order prototype (just received pricing today) - Sourcing of parts (screws,
magnets, feet, etc)
- Packaging
- Continual iterations on design based on community feedback (you opinion does matter to me, and I don't consider the board complete without it)
Design an optional wrist rest to capture in more detail the front curving nature of the McLaren - Pricing, Quantity, go live date
Join me here or on my discord to discuss this board further and give feedback. Or comment here, I will be following along closely.
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Special Thanks - To my discord moderator team which gave input to the design
- KingTruff88 who helped with continual feedback and rendering along the way
- Pensa73 for renders
- Asle for business help
- Everyone who has helped me get to where I am along the way through support in prior endeavors (S+R), feedback and friendship