nice! a drop set! ez pass
keep parroting "Drop bad, community vendor gud" and getting scammed, way to go champ!!
you and a bunch of others crap on Drop every single chance you have, and the irony here is that you are the first ones lining up to get robbed and scammed everytime the "community vendors" you worship like saints decide to post a GB thread and then vanish, die or pull the rug on everyone once their GBs (more like pyramid schemes) fall apart, shoutout to Ivan, Ctrl Alt, Noxary, Mechs and Co, Rama, Project Keyboard, who else? list is too big I cant remember them all
Drop is 99% the same as any vendor, except they are OWNED by CORSAIR and never scammed anyone. over the last 7 years I spent more than $18,000 EUR on massDrop and every single time they put a product out there it was either delivered in perfect conditions, delivered with delays, delivered with problems & rectified/refunded or cancelled & refunded altogether and I speak from my own experience importing stuff from their site
even more ironic is that DROP OWNS GEEKHACK and projected the MK hobby into a whole new level on the USA. companies like GMK, Novel Keys, Omnitype, Oblotzky, Rama OWE a huge part of their business to Drop because it was on DROP that they they got REAL exposure, CAPITAL or built part of their reputations and business relationships with customers and suppliers. Rama, Novelkeys and Omnitype did collabs with Drop and Oblotzky was just a keycap designer there before he decided to make his own company. GMK probably sold a trillion sets on that site by now. if it wasn't for Drop the ENTIRE MK space would be on a microscopical level still, but you probably don't remember when they sold Pokers and MX Clears for the 1st time, or when they launched GMK Carbon with the 1st set of NOVELTY keycaps made by GMK ever MADE
maybe once you get scammed BIG TIME you will learn that drop is legitimate and almost every "vendor" out there is a ticking bomb one mistake away from falling apart and running away with your money
keep it up OP and DROP, I'm in for one of each kit, also please make a deskmat