Author Topic: Notepad++ - No proper auto-indentation  (Read 1528 times)

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Offline vasouv

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Notepad++ - No proper auto-indentation
« on: Sun, 08 September 2013, 05:38:26 »
Hey there... Recently, I decided to start using Notepad++ as text editor for quick edits in my source files, instead of having to fire up an IDE and wait until it parses all the files... Also, it has color syntax for a vast variety of languages so I might also use it for PHP programming.

The thing I really dislike about Notepad++ though is its crazy indentation. I don't want to press Tab in order to indent right, or close the curly bracket myself (yeah it's not a big deal but I want this functionality).

Take a look at this, here is the indentation Sublime Text Editor does and here is Notepad++'s.

I remember though Notepad++ doing correct indentation some time ago. I simply cannot find how to do it correctly now. Either the plugin doesn't work or something's messed up.

I gave TextPad a try and it works like a charm, doesn't have color syntax for many languages though. Sublime Text Editor is perfect (can even replace an IDE in some occasions) but it's way too pricey.

Anyway, have any of you found a way to properly indent in Notepad++?

Offline mkawa

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Re: Notepad++ - No proper auto-indentation
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 10 September 2013, 23:45:33 »
gvim. man. of course i'm a vi guy, but i guess you could run cygwin or mingw emacs instead if you're that kind of masochist. the native emacs client for nt8 is also fine, as long as you really like windows pathnames.

there was a period quite a while ago when i was really attached to ultraedit. i went so far as to run it in wine on centos back when i was so ridiculous that i thought it was a reasonable workstation os (so misguided...). there are reasonable formatting scripts for pretty much every language, but the only things you really get out of it are things that either you realize at some point that you don't need or you can accomplish using simpler primitives. ctrl-v shift-i is just as effective as highlight and "make comment" but less direct. shrug.

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