Author Topic: [IC] GMK 1520 | GB Announced!  (Read 158507 times)

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Offline jagger27

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #50 on: Thu, 23 September 2021, 13:20:01 »
I decided to keep the extra B in base in order to keep the spacebar kit cheaper and not add two extra colours to the spacebar kit.
Unfortunately I don't think I'll have alice bars in base as I already have 2.25u and 2.75u shift keys that can be used instead.

"can be used" is generous. I think it looks awful, and feels even worse. With respect to the colours, is the doubleshot the concern or the UV print? I think the second B would be fine without the UV print, personally.

Offline mcmcmc

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #51 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 01:36:03 »

Offline _haru

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #52 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 08:15:18 »
Posting for the first time in two years to say I'm excited for this!
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Offline Nonnegaard

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #53 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 08:25:45 »
it would be awesome to have a black f row in the base to make it cleaner without having to mix sets. just my take  :thumb:
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Offline AdisaFolami

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #54 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 08:29:27 »
I love this but it really needs ortho/40's support. Usually one of the first things to go on an ortho board is the numpad, so this set would be perfect. Pleaseeee.

Offline Ella

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #55 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 09:20:03 »
it would be awesome to have a black f row in the base to make it cleaner without having to mix sets. just my take  :thumb:

Take a look at the inspiration for this keyset.
Making the function row black would make it less faithful to its inspiration.

Offline Yakbats

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #56 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 09:22:11 »
While I'm usually a big fan of 3 key 40s support in the base kit, I don't think it works for this set. The red numpad sub legends on the alphas don't make sense on a 40s board without the top number row. You could remove a few keys from the base kit, and maybe add a separate 40s kit.

Also, I think the key unit sizing text is incorrect on the bottom row to the right of the space bar, and on the pipe key.

Offline ddrfraser1

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #57 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 09:47:45 »
Coming out of hiding to say YES PLEASE!

Also, what is that big boi alice?

Offline hark

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #58 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 10:51:48 »
it would be awesome to have a black f row in the base to make it cleaner without having to mix sets. just my take  :thumb:

Sorry this probably won't happen as I'm following the inspiration and prefer how the grey f row looks

I love this but it really needs ortho/40's support. Usually one of the first things to go on an ortho board is the numpad, so this set would be perfect. Pleaseeee.

While I'm usually a big fan of 3 key 40s support in the base kit, I don't think it works for this set. The red numpad sub legends on the alphas don't make sense on a 40s board without the top number row. You could remove a few keys from the base kit, and maybe add a separate 40s kit.

Also, I think the key unit sizing text is incorrect on the bottom row to the right of the space bar, and on the pipe key.

Yeah I'm currently working on a standalone 40s kit, I'm not completely sure the best solution however.

Also thanks for noticing the incorrect sizing labels, just fixed that.

Offline OptimusPrime00

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520
« Reply #59 on: Fri, 24 September 2021, 21:03:28 »
sso sick! i'm in!

Offline munda

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | 7/8 Vendors Announced!
« Reply #60 on: Wed, 29 September 2021, 05:03:56 »
Looks great! Will definitely consider grabbing a set when the gb opens.

How durable are the UV printed sublegends? Will they eventually rub off over long term use?

Offline tintoret

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | 7/8 Vendors Announced!
« Reply #61 on: Thu, 30 September 2021, 21:42:16 »
Love it. Was always disappointed that I couldn't get everything together a GB for Azimuth. If this one gets going, I'm in.

Offline _rubik

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | 7/8 Vendors Announced!
« Reply #62 on: Fri, 01 October 2021, 00:46:06 »
Vendors! It’s happening!
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Offline hark

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #63 on: Sat, 02 October 2021, 06:43:59 »
Looks great! Will definitely consider grabbing a set when the gb opens.

How durable are the UV printed sublegends? Will they eventually rub off over long term use?

Although I don't have any UV printed keys personallly, I've seen the below image going around of GMK Griseann, which shows the ABS having tonnes of shine (and thus wear) while the UV printed legends are all fine.

Vendors! It’s happening!

It is! And I'm very excited for it.

Offline ideus

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #64 on: Sat, 02 October 2021, 18:18:27 »
On the shift keys: Why the 1.25u does not have the "Shift" legend? It does not match the others without it.

Offline Neely_12

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #65 on: Sat, 02 October 2021, 18:59:07 »
On the shift keys: Why the 1.25u does not have the "Shift" legend? It does not match the others without it.

There is not enough space to make it look good. I would prefer just text only shift, but icon is fine here.

Offline ideus

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #66 on: Sat, 02 October 2021, 23:36:16 »
On the shift keys: Why the 1.25u does not have the "Shift" legend? It does not match the others without it.

There is not enough space to make it look good. I would prefer just text only shift, but icon is fine here.

There is enough space for the legend and the icon, I have many OG keys that exemplify it. Icon only shift keys can make it as well, but having one with no legends does not make sense.

Offline Neptune Keys

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #67 on: Sun, 03 October 2021, 09:05:12 »
Unique. Would be cooler on some vintage switches haha

Offline andreiborisov

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #68 on: Sun, 03 October 2021, 12:33:19 »
How durable GMK UV-printed legends are?

Offline hark

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #69 on: Wed, 06 October 2021, 02:05:16 »
How durable GMK UV-printed legends are?

As far as I can tell they're perfectly durable, this picture is of GMK Griseann and displays lots of shine but the UV print being fine:

On the shift keys: Why the 1.25u does not have the "Shift" legend? It does not match the others without it.

There is not enough space to make it look good. I would prefer just text only shift, but icon is fine here.

There is enough space for the legend and the icon, I have many OG keys that exemplify it. Icon only shift keys can make it as well, but having one with no legends does not make sense.

There are many other GMK sets that have the icon + text legend, so there definitely is enough space for it. I just decided against it as I felt it was too cramped on the 1.25u key.

Offline mopaska

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #70 on: Thu, 07 October 2021, 18:50:21 »
Hyped for the set. Also, where can I find out more about that Nine_ board in the renders?

Offline hark

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #71 on: Sat, 23 October 2021, 21:50:22 »
Hyped for the set. Also, where can I find out more about that Nine_ board in the renders?

I think the board has been renamed to the DSXT and is currently undergoing a redesign.
Here's the designer's discord, there's a dedicated channel for updates on it.

Offline Jacey

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #72 on: Sun, 24 October 2021, 02:21:17 »
Please someone tell me where do I find the last two boards used for the renders…. so beautiful

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Offline roostrc0gburn

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #73 on: Sun, 24 October 2021, 13:05:29 »
Hyped for the set. Also, where can I find out more about that Nine_ board in the renders?

I think the board has been renamed to the DSXT and is currently undergoing a redesign.
Here's the designer's discord, there's a dedicated channel for updates on it.

thank you! now, what about this one?

Offline HappyB0T

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #74 on: Sun, 24 October 2021, 23:38:01 »
Dang - Ram's board is like a keyset showcase

Offline HappyB0T

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #75 on: Sun, 24 October 2021, 23:39:09 »

Offline jagger27

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #76 on: Mon, 25 October 2021, 10:25:54 »
This is going to look so good on my black TKC M0LLY

Offline hark

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #77 on: Mon, 25 October 2021, 22:41:38 »
Hyped for the set. Also, where can I find out more about that Nine_ board in the renders?

I think the board has been renamed to the DSXT and is currently undergoing a redesign.
Here's the designer's discord, there's a dedicated channel for updates on it.

thank you! now, what about this one?

Show Image

The WITF will have a private GB at some point, if you're interested in getting a slot I think you should reach out to Ramlord#2733 on discord.

Offline andreiborisov

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[IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #78 on: Tue, 26 October 2021, 16:49:50 »
Maybe it’s not completely on the set theme, but would you consider adding a red Esc and Enter? They are nearly impossible to find now and should pair nicely with the set.

Like this:
« Last Edit: Tue, 26 October 2021, 17:02:05 by andreiborisov »

Offline psxndc

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[IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #79 on: Wed, 27 October 2021, 12:22:01 »
No raise/lower? Or am I just missing them?
Ortho. Always.

Offline BlueTongue

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #80 on: Tue, 02 November 2021, 07:42:54 »

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Offline coolguyzayn

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #81 on: Tue, 02 November 2021, 20:58:40 »
imma just join for the extension kit which has a wob f13 :).

Offline TimKeyLess

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #82 on: Thu, 04 November 2021, 01:19:16 »

Offline BlueTongue

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #83 on: Wed, 10 November 2021, 15:42:47 »
I want to use this on my Mac, so please add Mac keycaps.

Offline DetectiveNio

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #84 on: Wed, 10 November 2021, 15:50:41 »
Just a question on Vala, have they delivered any of the GBs they took on yet?

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Offline normous

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #85 on: Sun, 21 November 2021, 09:04:18 »
Looks great, good colours and I like the sub legends. Would really love a 40s ortho kit.

Offline azzipa

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #86 on: Sun, 21 November 2021, 12:07:22 »
love the design and i love the macos/hhkb support! i’m wondering, however, if the 1.5u System keys in extension should be blue to match blue sublegends? (would seem to make more sense for macos.) if so, then need two 1u Alt in yellow. as is, the sublegends don’t tie together for macos. glwgb  :thumb:

a personal wish would be to add R3 1.75u Function key to extension kit.

edit: feedback form completed
« Last Edit: Sun, 21 November 2021, 12:20:47 by azzipa »

Offline andreiborisov

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #87 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 03:22:47 »
love the design and i love the macos/hhkb support! i’m wondering, however, if the 1.5u System keys in extension should be blue to match blue sublegends? (would seem to make more sense for macos.) if so, then need two 1u Alt in yellow. as is, the sublegends don’t tie together for macos. glwgb  :thumb:

I second this

Offline andreiborisov

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[IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #88 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 16:56:49 »
Another suggestion is to turn black f-keys into m-keys and make them R1-R4. I don’t see a point in having 2 sets of f-keys, while m-keys would cover currently popular XT-layout boards like Zenith. Including Nine_ by Dudeship in your own renders.

Pretty much everyone I know strongly prefer for these keys to be of a proper row instead of all being R1. All R1 just looks like a sore thumb on these boards.
« Last Edit: Sat, 27 November 2021, 05:48:18 by andreiborisov »

Online Rob27shred

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #89 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 17:25:15 »
I usually don't go for UV or pad printed sets, this set though is so god damned cool I'd be willing to buy two sets so I have backups for when I inevitably wear the printing off! Awesome work OP, GLWGB!

Offline Joshua_VB

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #90 on: Tue, 23 November 2021, 04:20:36 »
The keyboard in WITF by Ramlord render, does that actually exist and where do I buy it?

Edit: I saw the comment about reaching out to Ramlord on Discord

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« Last Edit: Tue, 23 November 2021, 04:22:57 by Joshua_VB »

Offline alevyish

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #91 on: Tue, 23 November 2021, 19:42:43 »
The keyboard in WITF by Ramlord render, does that actually exist and where do I buy it?

Edit: I saw the comment about reaching out to Ramlord on Discord

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First GB is closed already. But there’s a waiting list for a future (eventual) GB, fingers crossed.

Offline roostrc0gburn

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #92 on: Wed, 24 November 2021, 11:29:20 »
so, any ballpark idea when this keyset will go to GB?

Offline hark

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #93 on: Thu, 25 November 2021, 14:20:23 »
so, any ballpark idea when this keyset will go to GB?

I just received quotes for pricing from GMK, so I expect the set to run in either Q1 or Q2 of 2022

love the design and i love the macos/hhkb support! i’m wondering, however, if the 1.5u System keys in extension should be blue to match blue sublegends? (would seem to make more sense for macos.) if so, then need two 1u Alt in yellow. as is, the sublegends don’t tie together for macos. glwgb  :thumb:

The colours are based on the legend rather than the position on the board

Another suggestion is to turn black f-keys into m-keys and make them R1-R4. I don’t see a point in having 2 sets of f-keys, while m-keys would cover currently popular XT-layout boards like Zenith.

The frow can be used as m keys as seen in the Nine_ renders, I don't really think the profile of the keys matters all that much for XT layouts, as they're not constantly used to type. I also feel like there are more people who want a black frow than those who want macro keys, so the black frow has been prioritised in kitting.

Offline azzipa

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #94 on: Thu, 25 November 2021, 14:48:50 »
exactly my point. system keys need to be blue for macos. (we use “command” key, to be replaced by “system” key and not “alt” key.)

love the design and i love the macos/hhkb support! i’m wondering, however, if the 1.5u System keys in extension should be blue to match blue sublegends? (would seem to make more sense for macos.) if so, then need two 1u Alt in yellow. as is, the sublegends don’t tie together for macos. glwgb  :thumb:

The colours are based on the legend rather than the position on the board

Offline hark

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #95 on: Thu, 25 November 2021, 15:06:49 »
exactly my point. system keys need to be blue for macos. (we use “command” key, to be replaced by “system” key and not “alt” key.)

My point is that "Alt" is blue and "System" is yellow regardless of position

Offline azzipa

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #96 on: Thu, 25 November 2021, 17:25:55 »
your ic, but you’re wrong. alt is not a thing on macs. the key combo is not alt+c for copy. it’s command+c. peace

edit: alt is relegated to teriary mod status and command (system) is promoted to primary. as a result, alt should be yellow and system should be blue according to the function assigned to these keys in macos.

exactly my point. system keys need to be blue for macos. (we use “command” key, to be replaced by “system” key and not “alt” key.)

My point is that "Alt" is blue and "System" is yellow regardless of position
« Last Edit: Thu, 25 November 2021, 17:43:50 by azzipa »

Offline hark

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #97 on: Fri, 26 November 2021, 00:29:21 »
your ic, but you’re wrong. alt is not a thing on macs. the key combo is not alt+c for copy. it’s command+c. peace

edit: alt is relegated to teriary mod status and command (system) is promoted to primary. as a result, alt should be yellow and system should be blue according to the function assigned to these keys in macos.

I'm sorry about the confusion but the colour of each key is determined by their legend ("System", "Alt", or "A"), and not their location when in a layout or their function on any particular OS. The mods are not blue or yellow depending on how important or often used they are, I'm just using the same colours for the same legends used on my inspiration.

Offline azzipa

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #98 on: Fri, 26 November 2021, 07:35:28 »
i think i am misunderstanding your inspiration: it looks to me like the mod key color ties to the sublegend on the alphas. but as currently rendered, a macos user must press a yellow system key to activate blue sublegends. kinda misses the point of color coding. i am struggling to get my head around the idea these are just pretty colors and not a user prompt, so i’ll likely pass. glwgb, this is a poggers set  :thumb:
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 November 2021, 08:16:29 by azzipa »

Offline roostrc0gburn

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Re: [IC] GMK 1520 | Vendors Announced and Updated Kitting
« Reply #99 on: Fri, 26 November 2021, 12:33:15 »
i think i am misunderstanding your inspiration: it looks to me like the mod key color ties to the sublegend on the alphas. but as currently rendered, a macos user must press a yellow system key to activate blue sublegends. kinda misses the point of color coding. i am struggling to get my head around the idea these are just pretty colors and not a user prompt, so i’ll likely pass. glwgb, this is a poggers set  :thumb:

this set is the inspiration. it's in the OP:

my 2c: @hark, don't change a thing. you have nailed it on the design, and i think this is a faithful reproduction of the vintage keyset. looking forward to purchasing every kit.