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Games are so poorly optimised. And I feel it's only gonna get worse.

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--- Quote from: TomahawkLabs on Tue, 16 April 2024, 13:07:24 ---It's always easier for the companies to say "Get a better PC" than it will be for them to invest on making it work well on a GTX 1060. If you look at the Steam GPU chart the majority of players are playing on 60 and 70 series cards. The 80 and 90 series cards are for enthusiasts who are less concerned about price per FPS/Resolution and more concerned at having the best experience they can. The top 40.94% of cards used are all 50, 60, and 70 series cards across the 16xx, 10xx, 20xx, 30xx, and 40xx generations. If you skip the 3080 at 2.23% you won't find another 80 or 90 series GPU until the 4090 with 0.85% usage.

We are being led astray with social media that "everyone" who games is using the latest and greatest CPU with custom cooling. Most people are playing on what they can afford and are happy.

Games are also being shipped unfinished an unoptimized because the hardware "can" run it and any issues can be dogfooded by the consumers, who are STILL paying for a half baked game, and fix it 3-6 months down the line. Until people stop preordering games and buying them regardless of how they actually run, businesses will continue to sell unfinished/polished games.

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Yeah this practice of games just coming out broken and then "fixing it" afterwards is ridiculous, it's so scummy to just not deliver on the advertised products and then just promise that it will be in a playable state.


--- Quote from: TomahawkLabs on Tue, 16 April 2024, 13:07:24 ---It's always easier for the companies to say "Get a better PC" than it will be for them to invest on making it work well on a GTX 1060. If you look at the Steam GPU chart the majority of players are playing on 60 and 70 series cards. The 80 and 90 series cards are for enthusiasts who are less concerned about price per FPS/Resolution and more concerned at having the best experience they can. The top 40.94% of cards used are all 50, 60, and 70 series cards across the 16xx, 10xx, 20xx, 30xx, and 40xx generations. If you skip the 3080 at 2.23% you won't find another 80 or 90 series GPU until the 4090 with 0.85% usage.

We are being led astray with social media that "everyone" who games is using the latest and greatest CPU with custom cooling. Most people are playing on what they can afford and are happy.

Games are also being shipped unfinished an unoptimized because the hardware "can" run it and any issues can be dogfooded by the consumers, who are STILL paying for a half baked game, and fix it 3-6 months down the line. Until people stop preordering games and buying them regardless of how they actually run, businesses will continue to sell unfinished/polished games.

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To be fair, if I was a game developer I probably wouldn't put much effort into supporting GTX 1060s. They're damn old. 2060 or something I can maybe understand but 1060?

it's mostly on PC. it's pretty sad. consoles are actually super well optimized. i realized this when playing warzone, which is fairly hard to run. it's kind of crazy how good the $500 consoles are compared to PCs when you consider the hardware difference, and it feels pretty sad to see all that raw compute power translate into mediocre performance


--- Quote from: Sniping on Wed, 17 April 2024, 15:50:03 ---it's mostly on PC. it's pretty sad. consoles are actually super well optimized. i realized this when playing warzone, which is fairly hard to run. it's kind of crazy how good the $500 consoles are compared to PCs when you consider the hardware difference, and it feels pretty sad to see all that raw compute power translate into mediocre performance

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Forza Horizon 5 is such a huge example of this. On PC, the graphics look garbage even on maximum settings and it has a huge issue with not detecting VRAM.


--- Quote from: Sniping on Wed, 17 April 2024, 15:50:03 ---it's mostly on PC. it's pretty sad. consoles are actually super well optimized. i realized this when playing warzone, which is fairly hard to run. it's kind of crazy how good the $500 consoles are compared to PCs when you consider the hardware difference, and it feels pretty sad to see all that raw compute power translate into mediocre performance

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Yeah, it's a shame that pc doesn't have the install base, that's the only reason why companies optimise consoles in the first place.

Kinda wish that the steam deck/pc is more accessible so it becomes more popular.


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