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Games are so poorly optimised. And I feel it's only gonna get worse.

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That's recommended, not minimum and about what I would expect on a modern game AAA game.

Games are FAR less efficient though and yes, it is getting worse, the internet and operating systems have had the same problem for a while now and for the same reason.
As soon as hardware/networking exceed the software, the software will become less efficient. Optimization costs money and no CEO will spend more than they need especially on games, it's a horrible, horrible industry.

That said, in this case there's an extra variable... It's most likely a port.
Ports are basically just a money grab and they usually do the absolute bare minimum just to get it functional on anything other than the original system.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Sun, 11 June 2023, 14:59:46 ---That's recommended, not minimum and about what I would expect on a modern game AAA game.

Games are FAR less efficient though and yes, it is getting worse, the internet and operating systems have had the same problem for a while now and for the same reason.
As soon as hardware/networking exceed the software, the software will become less efficient. Optimization costs money and no CEO will spend more than they need especially on games, it's a horrible, horrible industry.

That said, in this case there's an extra variable... It's most likely a port.
Ports are basically just a money grab and they usually do the absolute bare minimum just to get it functional on anything other than the original system.

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Yeah I think that's it, I was probably over blowing it, I still feel like it will get worse, but it's not as bad as I thought it was.

--- Quote from: CaesarAZealad on Sun, 11 June 2023, 14:44:41 ---Most recent game I've played is cyberpunk, and that game runs surprisingly well all things considered (Plus I'm not really running on hardware they intended it to run on, despite what minimum requirements will say)
The best days of gaming are behind us, I was glad I could see some of it, but right now it's a split between big companies using them as glorified gambling addiction enablers, "esport bait" games (Valorant, OW, and the rest of their ilk), and "Art" games that are so pretentious the only people who like them are people with an agenda.

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Yeah I heard cyberpunk is fine now, and that they optimized some of it. I just straight up refuse to play new games with micro-transactions and the ones I still do are ones that I'm losing a lot of interest in. And those esport bait games are just so corporate and lifeless, they can never match up to an actual dedicated community like melee, or even counter strike. And I don't really see "art" games like that? I wouldn't see that as a problem anyway.

Greedy publishers, it is rarely the developers fault. We sadly live in an age where publishers force devs to push out unfinished product knowing they can just patch or add dlc later. Also why games like CP202020 and No Man's Sky got much MUCH better only after they were distributed. The current state of the industry for AAA games industry is absolute nightmare garbage. Not even getting into ftp's, mxt's, day1 patches big as the game file, paid dlc for **** that should be standard(like elf language in Gollum)

Absolute trash industry right now if you work for almost any big AAA dev. 

TBH hat game (Gollum) is a complete miscarriage, and the worst example of 2023 releases.
Been playing Street Fighter 6 the last few days and it's well optimized, runs frame perfect even on high resolutions, and the netcode is beyond stellar, almost witchcraft. So as usual, there are good releases, bad releases, and complete turds. People tend to circle jerk on the turds mostly because of the echo chamber effect of social media. Just play the good ones and ignore Twitter for a while you'll see there are still good developers around ;)

I hate seeing games get completely **** on for just technical issues these days. Especially in an era where games live and die by their initial releases, but are regularly shoved out the door half-baked, it is unfair to the teams who spent years of their lives sacrificing everything only to run out of time or money or be forced to release early. I firmly believe a game should be judged by its merit as a game. Is it fun, is the mechanic loop addictive, is the sound and art direction up to snuff? Not that it comes with DRM or crashes every 10 minutes, these are fixable things that are nothing to do with the core of what a game represents and delivers. It's like judging a painting someone spilled coffee on, you aren't judging the damage the coffee does but the artwork underneath it.

That being said, Gollum is pretty ****. I do think it has nice art direction at times though, but the core mechanic loop is outright unfun, the scenarios and story are depressing, and there was so much that could have been done to make this fun if they only leaned into the character's traits more, but it just wound up being an amalgamation of the worst parts of other good games. Collecting sets of items, guiding slow ass NPCs, stealth sections where you can't kill anything, terrible jumping puzzles. These are mistakes other games made, and Gollum set out to utilize each and every one of them cobbled into something miserable for the player to slog through.


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