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[IC] GMK Dragon Witch | GB Ended

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GMK Dragon Witch


MoreHello everybody and welcome to the IC for GMK Dragon Witch.
GMK Dragon Witch is inspired by a certain vengeful witch. Fate must have brought you are here so please do go have a look around.
3 custom colors used in the creation of this set.
GB Date? May 20, 2024
Base Kit: $130 USD (250 MOQ)
Hiragana Kit: $55 USD (100 MOQ)
Novelties Kit: $50 USD (150 MOQ)


US - Mekibo
Canada - DeskHero
SA - Fancy Customs
EU - Oblotzky Industries
UK - Prototypist
SEA/Asia- Kibou
OCE - DailyClack

GMK Dragon Witch IC Form

Discord Server

Base Kit

Hiragana Alphas kit

Novelties kit


VengeurTKL by Bachoo

Ouroboros by Bachoo

TXCP by TX Keyboards


Feel free to reach out to me through discord: kirinodere
Current confirmed collabs:

Special Thanks
Bachoo for the initial advice at the start of the project and creating all of the beautiful renders.
Stellaidoscope for the stellar work put into the novelties.
Zxzu for putting this idea into my head.
RemineTheCat for being my guinea pig for bouncing ideas off of.
All of the H------i people for making a meme out of my misfortunes while making this set and all the input given.
Every vendor that has picked up this set.

If you like the set, please consider filling out the IC Form and leave any feedback you may have!

GMK Dragon Witch IC Form

Discord Server


--- Quote ---Why is it Latin base instead of Hiragana base?
--- End quote ---
The set originally started out as a Hiragana base but people who I showed the set to loved the colors but wouldn't buy due to not having a Latin base. With a 50/50 split between Latin base and Hiragana base (this is still true with the initial release of the IC form), Latin base with Hiragana alphas kit was the best option to appease both sides. Also as a bonus for the Hiragana alpha people, they can use it for 2 boards if they wish since I added an extra tab.

--- Quote ---Can you have a separate spacebar kit with accent spacebars as well?
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To not bump up the MOQ for the base kit, a separate spacebar kit will not be offered at this time. However if responses towards the Hiragana alphas kit don't reach an acceptable amount to warrant running it, a spacebars kit will be considered. I am currently trying to avoid such a situation where spacebars have their separate kit as these are often the deadstock that vendors have after extras.

--- Quote ---Why don't you move the accent arrows to the base kit?
--- End quote ---
Accent arrows were placed in the Novelties kit due to concerns about pricing and the viability of everything fitting into the GMK packaging for a base kit. Pricing is no longer an issue but adding 4 more keys causes the concern of everything not being able to fit in the standard 2 GMK trays.

--- Quote ---Can you make the alpha colors lighter?
--- End quote ---
I have attempted lighter alpha legend colors only for it to come out pretty ugly. I also want to keep it at 3 colors as adding another color would add an extra roadblock during the color matching phase if something goes wrong.

--- Quote ---Why not use UV printing for hiragana sublegends?
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UV Print/Pad Print = bad. I don't think you want the extra cost associated with having this just for a kit.

--- Quote ---The price is quite high. Will it be lower with a higher MOQ?
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Yes for 500 MOQ there will be a price decrease for the base kit, but as of now I only expect to hit 250 MOQ.

--- Quote ---It doesn't even match up with the theme at all!
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Everything was extensively colormatched with a physical RAL chart and physical reference material right at the start of the project. I have gotten responses that have said it looks like Discord to it looks like a different character. Please do note that unless your screen is calibrated for color accuracy, you may see the modifier color from anywhere from a blue to a black. What I physically have on my RAL chart is a very dark violet color. As for the accent color, it was taken off a flower accent piece that is being used in the novelties.

--- Quote ---Can you make a Hiragana & Spacebars combo kit?
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately this cannot be done due to the sheer cost of the kit. Adding another possible $20 USD to the $55 USD kit will not be viable as it will be more than 60% of the base kit price after adjustments. As of right now, responses for the Hiragana alphas kit fall in line with the MOQ size that was set despite initial doubts if it would make it.

--- Quote ---R5 please?
--- End quote ---
R5 will not be available as I do not want to add any further cost to the base kit.

--- Quote ---Can the Hiragana alphas kit be changed to an alt/dark alphas?
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I have considered doing such a kit but I have decided to not do so. While both are $55 USD, the alt/dark alphas would need to be Latin resulting in Hiragana alpha enjoyers losing interest especially when this was originally a Hiragana only set. I could have 3 different alpha kits (dark Latin & light/dark Hiragana) but that is not feasible at all.

--- Quote ---What about making all the alphas with the same colors as the modifier keys in the base kit?
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This would become a GMK Amethyst dark base set then with different legend colors. I won't be doing that because of that reason.

--- Quote ---Delete the Hiragana kit and make the base kit have hiragana alphas.
--- End quote ---
This will most likely not happen as per the answer provided on the first Q&A still holds true even after 2 weeks of the IC form being up. There is a notably sized group that have shown interest in getting only the Latin base kit which wouldn't be there if I have made a Hiragana base kit.

--- Quote ---ISO-ES/NORDEUK/Other regional support?
--- End quote ---
Due to GMK MOQ restrictions this will not happen. I also do not see a path for the International kit where it can hit the minimum 100 MOQ without a large amount of extras from both the UK and EU vendors. ISO support has been provided in the base kit as a result.

baka jiken:
Looks great! :eek:

I'm already excited for GMK Abyssal for Skadi, but now we have a set for Jalter? I'm definitely joining Day 1 or GB. 

Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

Any chances for a Jeanne set or an Alt Mod Kit? (ironic considering who the alter is)

Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk


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