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What do you eat? The thread about things you eat.

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--- Quote from: iri on Thu, 15 June 2023, 11:51:15 ---
--- Quote from: phinix on Thu, 15 June 2023, 10:26:28 ---Overall I lost ~28kg.

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--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Thu, 15 June 2023, 14:22:01 ---
--- Quote from: phinix on Thu, 15 June 2023, 10:26:28 ---
--- Quote from: iri on Thu, 15 June 2023, 10:15:27 ---Hey phinix, how much weight have you lost?

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In few days (19th) its going to be 2 months post surgery. Overall I lost ~28kg.

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In 2 months? Holy crow, congrats my man!

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Yeah, it is a lot, even for gastric sleeve.
First 11kg I lost during pre-surgery diet - liquid only, it was around 10 days. Then surgery - removing stomach, 2 days in hospital - another 4kg. Then rest of it was till now, so yeah, pretty good achievement.
However now, I lose around 1kg per week, so not too much.

Today's harvest, and like last year, the peppers and small yellow tomatoes are doing best.

yellow peppers are so versatile.  and like all peppers bugs stay away, you don't have to do anything.

Teriyaki salmon ramen. My family is addicted to my cooking, especially ramen :)
Made for Saturday dinner.

Looks awesome!
That bowl must be at least double your 190 ml limit ....


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