Author Topic: Hello from San Diego, California  (Read 1158 times)

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Offline keyboard_mcm

  • Formerly Moderato Design
  • Thread Starter
  • Posts: 9
  • Location: San Diego, California
    • Moderato Design
Hello from San Diego, California
« on: Fri, 07 May 2021, 22:22:37 »

Hello All,

I am from San Diego where we complain about the whether when it is outside of 60~70 F.
Here is my story on how I ended up on GeekHack.

I always bought my keyboard on Amazon on whatever that was a best-seller at the time.
Beginning of the year, my keyboard broke, and I had to get a new one.
I knew that the mechanical keyboard existed, but I wasn't really interested.
While browsing through the internet, I saw Leopold FC980M that looked cool, so I bought it.
It wasn't that different from what I had originally since what I had was also a pretty good keyboard.
However, I started to notice things with my work keyboard.
The stock membrane keyboard that kept ignoring my key stroke whenever I typed 's' really started bothering me.
I could have asked IT department to change the keyboard, but I just bought another FC980M and started using at work.
It was day and night difference, and honestly my productivity probably increased.

That's when I started to get more interested in the mechanical keyboards.
I've bought more in-stock keyboards like AR87, Tofu, some used keyboards from /r/mechmarket.
At this point, I bought multiple keyboard kits and GMK sets that won't arrive until end of this year.

There are so many things in the scene that I want to buy, but my wallet is getting thin.
So, I decided that I want to make my own keyboard and sell it to world.

My day job is mechanical engineer, and I love building machines from beginning to end.
I happened to work in manufacturing industry, so I know the contacts and know-how on machining and general operation.
I always wanted my own shop that I can build anything I want, so it was actually perfect opportunity.
The currently plan is to get a place and CNC machine by start of April 2022, and start a group buy.

It's a still a long road ahead, but there are so many things to do in between:
Planning a business, designing, programming, prototyping, financing, etc.
I want to create something that I want, but also an interesting addition for the community as well.
Hopefully, if everything goes right, then you will see my product in the IC. :)