geekhack Projects > Making Stuff Together!

Model M Badge Replacement

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You might try doing the Birth Certificat yourself. Download the DeltaCad demo and open up the zip attachment to the artcle. Edit the text as you would like - you can even enter your board numbers and change the text as you like.

Then, print it on a half-page office label (do a print preview first to make sure it doesn't come out on a seam). Trim to correct size with an office paper cutter. Cover with clear label if desired.

How did you make the cable red? Same dye?

yep, "scarlet" Rit dye.  after the caps were done, i turned off the heat and tried the cable. i had no idea how long it would take or even if it would take, but it came out super. make sure that the cable is clean and take care not to submerge either end of the cable. i used tape - adding string would have probably helped too.

use the right tools - an 8qt pasta steamer and a cooking thermometer work great. i cooked the key caps @ 180F for 1 hour. about 12 minutes for the cable.

i will do another for my wife in blue in a month or so - maybe i'll do an instructional video.

That could be useful. At some point I'd like to make one of mine more modern looking.

New classic square badges from Benton Trophy. Pictures in the main artical.


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