geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks
[IC] Blank Black DSA Deep Dish PBT Keycaps
I would have already ordered 200 keys and just sold the rest to people that need them if not for the fact that I started debating on if I wanted color... Black (seamless), dark grey (monochrome distinction), blue (match the mobo - acrylic version), red (match the LEDS - aluminum version)... Curse the options!
--- Quote from: Zalusithix on Fri, 19 April 2013, 13:02:34 ---I would have already ordered 200 keys and just sold the rest to people that need them if not for the fact that I started debating on if I wanted color... Black (seamless), dark grey (monochrome distinction), blue (match the mobo - acrylic version), red (match the LEDS - aluminum version)... Curse the options!
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Haha yeah. I'm going with black because it's the safe bet. When you start mixing colors it becomes more of a preference thing and who knows what I'm going to prefer a couple of years from now.
I'm interested in 8, maybe 16 if the price gets nice and low - or if my switching hits a price break so it costs the same :)
Like Zal, the idea of some colours appeals to me, especially the mobo matching blue, but it's not a deal breaker. Do SP's price breaks only relate to running a batch with a single colour? If the quantities could include a couple of colours that might encourage a few of us to get extra sets so we can mix it up.
--- Quote from: eviltobz on Fri, 19 April 2013, 13:27:08 ---I'm interested in 8, maybe 16 if the price gets nice and low - or if my switching hits a price break so it costs the same :)
Like Zal, the idea of some colours appeals to me, especially the mobo matching blue, but it's not a deal breaker. Do SP's price breaks only relate to running a batch with a single colour? If the quantities could include a couple of colours that might encourage a few of us to get extra sets so we can mix it up.
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That's interesting. I will ask how adding extra colors will change the prices.
What other colors should I ask about?
Definitely getting at least enough for home row. Maybe a couple more for major keys in my layout.
As for color I just want black, but would buy a second set in red or blue to see how it looked.
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