geekhack Marketplace > Signature Plastics / PimpMyKeyboard

questions to SP regarding the group buys - please contribute

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To those whom actually have decision on the rules of the forum: The main forum purpose is to allow our community to share our hobby on mechanical boards. Part of the fun is to buy new stuff for our babies. GB are a singularity here, that makes GH a very nice and special place for us. The point of a GB is the shared decisions on the goods during IC, and then to pull the buying power of the interested parties to get a good deal. All of these activities have to do with members, it does not matter who will manufacture or run the administrative things to get the deal. Why you have decided to hide GB on the basis of the final vendor of the goods? What matters is that any GB is for the community.

If you do not want SP GB to be posted in the GB section, then, I suggest you to create a new main category entitled Vendors Group Buys, to allow this new class of GB hosted by vendors to post their offers.

Please post your suggestions and any other comments regarding forum operation in this subforum instead :

actually Vendor GBs is not a bad idea


--- Quote from: Photoelectric on Tue, 11 March 2014, 12:43:06 ---skuko, do you not give us any benefit of the doubt whatsoever that we've looked at it from all directions that you might be overlooking?  IMSTO does use his own subforum for his commeicial sales.  CtrlAltStore is not a commercial organization--it's just a bunch of geekhackers united under a name doing group buys for people.  They do run more commericial buys from their subforum and actual group buys in the group buys section. 

--- End quote ---

i do and even if it doesn't look like it, i only rant about it, becaise i know that there could be a better solution.

i took the liberty of creating a thread here:


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