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What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)

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--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Wed, 04 September 2024, 20:30:19 ---People who can listen to music, WHILE, reading.

How do you do this ?

--- End quote ---
I listen to instrumental music. Lyrics obviously don't work.

I've met programmers who preferred to work to Beethoven. I used to like music with some BPM when coding.

Now I don't do that much programming. I feel that I have lost the edge and the will. (and that is a thing that bothers me)

I almost exclusively listen to instrumental or foreign music I don't speak the language for, so it just makes some pleasant background noise.
90% of the time music with lyrics or singing annoys me. I tend to focus on the songwriting, and you'd be shocked how lazy and bad most songs with lyrics are written if you actually listen and analyze them. So lazy. So bad.
I do have a soft spot for '90s alt/grunge and early '00s rap though

There's like, no computer stuff to buy. 

It's all the same stuff.

Swear to god, Black Cumin, smells exactly like color-pencil shavings.

These guys starting forest fires. Then getting arrested.

How did they even find that guy. Seems like the easiest thing ever to get away with.

Forest Arson is quite detrimental,  Imagine a whole city goes Solar,  well, a single forest fire would offset the carbon saving for 5-10+ years.


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