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Filco blank keys on a Scorpius M10

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I haven't had any trouble with my Scorpius, which I got for about $50 and the price of shipping. I saved a whole lot of money over a Das, though.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how well I can handle a blank keyboard. I wonder what the reaction to it at work will be.

On that Scorpius watch out for the keys you use allot especially if you are a heavy hitter. When I got my first Scorpius I would bottom them out all the time and my first one developed a dead cursor key (playing some flash game). My second one had no issues but I had also learned to not bottom them out as hard as well. Coming from a Model M those blues are light. Now days I can't type on the Model M any more with out my fingers starting to hurt I've gotten to used to the lighter boards.

I really think the Scorpius will do OK as long as you don't bang on it to hard. And even if you do it is easy to fix.


--- Quote from: rdjack21;111893 ---On that Scorpius watch out for the keys you use allot especially if you are a heavy hitter. When I got my first Scorpius I would bottom them out all the time and my first one developed a dead cursor key (playing some flash game). My second one had no issues but I had also learned to not bottom them out as hard as well. Coming from a Model M those blues are light. Now days I can't type on the Model M any more with out my fingers starting to hurt I've gotten to used to the lighter boards.

I really think the Scorpius will do OK as long as you don't bang on it to hard. And even if you do it is easy to fix.
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With the Model F being my main board, I've definitely lightened my average keystroke.

So the soldering issues show mostly by physical abuse than electrical wear? That's good to know.



--- Quote from: iMav;111978 ---pics??
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First I have to find my lousy camera...


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