geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders
Update 2023-06-30: PSA Regarding Mechs & Co and Vendor Group Buys
I have always thought that GMK starts production only after they get paid in full. How does it work in this case? Also, feels like that information should be public so that customers can react quicker if there is an issue with the invoice payment.
hubris led them to bascally do a ponzi scheme
awful all around
Put in a CC dispute today for my GMK Regal order from 363 days ago. Thankfully they accepted the dispute with no issues.
Pretty dumb that orders placed a year ago still haven't been paid to the vendor. I didn't loan this business money, I paid for a product. I expect my money to be used in a timely manner to get the product I paid for into production.
Poeple need to stop giving these businesses/GB runners passes for their scammy practices.
If you start selling products to people, you need to now treat your hobby like the business it now became.
--- Quote from: vhaarr on Fri, 30 June 2023, 00:13:01 ---I'd be really curious to know more about what happened here
--- End quote ---
they used GB payments for personal investments, such as a down payment for a new house etc, thinking they will easily make the money back by selling overpriced extras, comes 2021, extras have stopped selling they have no other source of income so they started to take on multiple groupbuys and use the GB payment to paying off their debt. Like all ponzi scheme there will be a point when people realize and try to get money back, in their case it is the Loki65 GB
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