geekhack Community > New Members
BKE REDUX domes - where to buy in 2020
I was looking for either a set of purple or light grey BKE REDUX domes for my Real Force board. I can't seem to find them anywhere now. Any help would be great.
Welcome :)
Which weight are you looking for?
There was like a heavier version as well as the regular.
Might have a few extra sets of gray domes on me.
Thanks! I was looking for the lightest or the second to lightest variaties. So either ultra-light or light. Purple, or light grey, I believe are the two colours. Not the black or white-coloured ones. So, I should say, that would be the 35g or 45g weights. If you have the 45g(grey in ciolor) weights, I would be interested.
Hate to necro the thread, especially in the New Members forum, but I'm going to do it anyway since it's the first result on google.
Anybody have any info on whether the BKE Redux domes will restock?
Wow I totally forgot about this hit me with the PM if I forget to look again when I'm back :thumb:
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