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swap alps sliders?

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This is probably a n00b question, but is it possible to remove the sliders from alps switches and swap in a different set, without desoldering/removing the switches from the board?


--- Quote from: kodos96;13537 ---This is probably a n00b question, but is it possible to remove the sliders from alps switches and swap in a different set, without desoldering/removing the switches from the board?
--- End quote ---

Probably by switching the actual sliders and the sound-producing metal leaves.


--- Quote from: fkeidjn;13541 ---Probably by switching the actual sliders and the sound-producing metal leaves.
--- End quote ---

Right, but what I'm asking is whether its possible to remove those with the switch still mounted on the board, or do they need to be removed from the PCB to be disassembled sufficiently to swap the sliders/leaves?

It probably won't work if the 'board has a backplate because you can't access the clips then.

I tried it on a board without metal plate and could disassemble and reassemble a switch. You just need two small screwdrivers. The clip holders on the base part are thin though and may break. Looks like the switches are easier to assemble upside down to keep the spring in the little notches. With the switch base soldered to the board pcb this is awkward however. I reassembled it with the pcb on the desk and it took some time.

I have no idea if a different set will fit though.

how do you remove an alps switch? this guy does it so easily! i'm having a hell of a time trying to remove mine from my northgate


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