Alas has received the samples and concurred with my and MKUltra's assessments. Where we stand now (blue Q, Gray Q and 5.2, and yellow W are KAT samples against GMK Space Cadet and SA Symbiosis):

Blue is approved as-is. Very good match!
Yellow is very close, slightly more orange but its very subtle and partially due to texture differences IMO.
Gray is furthest off but Alas and I agree that the Gray on the
Q here is pleasant and does not have the red cast that the other samples have. It is not a perfect match but it seems to be clear that a perfect match may be beyond Keyreative's capabilities. We Can still reject this match and request additional samples but as you know, we've already slipped past expected dates and the further we delay approval, the further we delay production. We are prepared to accept the color Q but definitely want to make sure you, the buyers, are willing to accept this as well.
As such, please fill out this straw poll so that we may know how you feel. We'll check back in a few days and move from there. you all for standing by patiently as Keyreative works through its growing pains. Rest assured, Alas and I are just as eager to get our sets as you are.