geekhack Marketplace > TMK Keyboard Service

[TMK] Keyboard Protocol Converter

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Hello. I soldered adb-usb converter based on Arduino Pro Micro for Apple Extended Keyboard II.  Works good, its what i wanted to say, but keyboard randomly stop to respond while gaming. Num pad light is shiny which means keyboard is powered, but no button reacts to press. Tried with 1kOhm resistor and 2 parallel 1kOhm (500 Ohm), keyboard behaviour dont change. To fix this behaviour need to unplug-plug keyboard and its works until next random stop. Which solution for my situation can be?

Check open post of this thread, DEBUG section particularly.

Post in the thread if you need further question.

--- Quote from: ermilokss on Sat, 11 May 2024, 11:05:53 ---Hello. I soldered adb-usb converter based on Arduino Pro Micro for Apple Extended Keyboard II.  Works good, its what i wanted to say, but keyboard randomly stop to respond while gaming. Num pad light is shiny which means keyboard is powered, but no button reacts to press. Tried with 1kOhm resistor and 2 parallel 1kOhm (500 Ohm), keyboard behaviour dont change. To fix this behaviour need to unplug-plug keyboard and its works until next random stop. Which solution for my situation can be?

--- End quote ---

Hi @hasu,

I would like to use several of those usb-usb-converters to port "sane" keyboard layouts to Windows without admin privileges.
The target Windows system only supports German layout as input method. The keyboards shall emulate (1) Neo2 and (2) US-International.
After reviewing


it is not clear to me how special German accentuated characters (äöüß) are encoded; How do I encode them in firmware?

Windows claims each attached keyboard is a ISO-layout with German keycaps. What characters can and cannot be encoded by sequences?

Additional links: Target layout (excluding the greek characters)

USB keyboards includes the converter send just a key code when the key is typed.
They don't send characters technically and won't work as what you are anticipating.

To input the characters(äöüß) converter firmware have to emulate how you are doing on the target Windows system.

To emulate the layout in firmware is very difficult if this is not impossible and you will have to write quite a bit of code yourself.

This may give you an idea on this topic.

No dounbt my ignorance but I have the following problem of which I hope somen can help me further.

I have an IBM keyboard type 1399625 of which I understand is a so-called terminal keyboard with character code set 3. I have tried al kinds of commercial adaptors with the same result that when I type a character it will be repeated endlessly. To my understanding it means that the adaptor does not receive a break code for the key pressed.

Does the soarer converter (PS/2 to USB) solve this problem?
Do I need to modify anything?
Can I set the codeset 3 into codeset 2? How?

kindest regards
Nico Verduin


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