geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks


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China vendor added: VERTEX
India vendor added: NeoMacro


--- Quote from: Manukbs_ on Sun, 07 April 2024, 16:39:44 ---China vendor added: VERTEX
India vendor added: Stickeys

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vertex can vendor GMK now? that's new


--- Quote from: keepoto on Sun, 07 April 2024, 17:40:25 ---
--- Quote from: Manukbs_ on Sun, 07 April 2024, 16:39:44 ---China vendor added: VERTEX
India vendor added: Stickeys

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vertex can vendor GMK now? that's new

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He will be a subvendor managed by Jae

-T-shirt and Hoodie added
-Pricing added
-GB Starts tomrrow


--- Quote from: pelfox on Wed, 03 April 2024, 15:26:02 ---
--- Quote from: Axiom_ on Wed, 03 April 2024, 08:28:27 ---
We will be forced to take necessary measures and unequivocally reserve the right to pursue legal action.

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you can't actually do a ****ing thing about this, you haven't copyrighted or patented anything, you have zero legal footing to do anything about this product in legal ways, you're just commenting here in the hopes of getting sympathy

the real question here is WHY are aussie makers in the mech keys space such pussies? you, that idiot stef who owns SWITCHKEYS, RAMA, almost every single company/maker from Australia (other than Dailyclack) is a straight up man child, cry baby ENTITLED idiot, always complaining or stirring up drama, you kangaroo people are a bunch of kids, grow the **** up

outta here with your pathetic chat GPT reasoning, nobody here actually cares, you can't do absolutely NOTHING to stop this and I challenge you to if you think you can. on top of that, if you spent more than a minute designing vonoroi geometry than yeah, hire that girl because they did in a couple hours what you took "days" and "lots of investment" to make, lmao - do you even have anything physical to show?

as a lawyer I had a blast reading your crap so as a matter of fact I hope you post more

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GMK Nerve's regional pussie says hello.


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